Mediators Beyond Borders: Blaze a Trail in Copenhagen
Mediators Beyond Borders: Blaze a Trail in Copenhagen
In December, 2009, the city of Copenhagen hosted one of the most important meetings in the history of humanity - the COP 15, the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). Nothing less than the viability of the biosphere and the future of civilization are at stake.
A record 45,000 people registered for the official UN meeting at the Bella Center. Delegates, negotiators, NGOs, press, and over 1000 youth participated in more than 2000 events over two weeks. Downtown, 10,000 people per day attended the Klima Forum, People’s Climate Summit, civil society’s counterpart to the UN conference. The city buzzed with demonstrations, rallies, exhibits, and concerts. On December 12th, 100,000 people marched in a rally to the Bella Center.
A palpable sense of urgency and desperation mounted as the conference wore on and its flaws and conflicts became apparent, driven by the power dynamics of the UN process. The resulting frustration was expressed in many ways - artistically, dramatically, creatively, and spontaneously.
The collective outcry for consciousness, justice, and action stood in stark contrast to the official discourse of developed nation elites parsing over how many degrees, and how many CO2 parts per million, in how many years, might be politically feasible within the constraints of vested interests. One commentator helplessly exclaimed that he could not believe that the state of international politics was such that a few US Senators could determine the fate of Africa.
In the face of such a humanitarian crisis, what role might conflict analysis experts play in averting catastrophe? Last year, Tina Monberg, a Danish member of Mediators Beyond Borders (MBB) posed this question to Kenneth Cloke, the president of MBB, who applied to the UN for accreditation, becoming the only dispute resolution organization approved for Non-Governmental Observer status at COP 15.
Over the decades, I have noticed that very often those who possess the most relevant bodies of knowledge and essential skills are generally absent where needed most. There are always doctors, lawyers, religious and business leaders, environmentalists, politicians, and a variety of activists weighing in. But where are the conflict resolution practitioners? Monberg and Cloke’s vision is a first step in bringing the field to the table.
MBB’s goals for COP15 were to learn as much as possible about environmental conflicts, to raise awareness and look for avenues for intervention, to make connections, and to advocate for the inclusion of language recommending mediation as an option to facilitate problem-solving and conflict transformation.
Various levels, layers, and types of conflicts relating to global warming are associated with different causes, consequences, and solutions. In this case, a top down approach is critical, as “primary conflicts” or “ megaconflicts” generate preventable contention. By intervening at fulcrum levels, we can perhaps prevent, slow, or reduce the otherwise inevitable cascade of conflict.
Examples of conflict-generating contentions are those brewing between developed and developing countries, Democrats and Republicans, and central governments and local authorities. Additionally, corporations, oil companies, factory farms, and the coal industry are in conflict with communities, small farmers, and public health concerns. The desire for cheap energy, fossil fuels, and profits (ignoring hidden costs), and an attachment to our and way of life, block the political will needed to transform systems and infrastructure.
Forces of habit, old ways of thinking, ignorance, fear of loss, sacrifice and inconvenience, denial, disinformation, and cynicism fuel a hostile resistance to advocates and those most vulnerable and eager for change. Also interfering with recognition of the problem, and the political will to address it, is the astonishing question over whether climate change is even happening. This “controversy” has captured public attention, serving as a dangerous distraction, and a tragic waste of time.
In addition to the chaotic weather patterns caused by global warming, rising temperatures fuel human chaos and the escalation of conflict, as clashes arise between neighboring villages over farming practices, contamination, water use, scarce resources, and the great misfortune of being downstream or downwind. Looming on the horizon is the potential conflict generated by hundreds of millions of environmental refugees.
A top down approach to conflict cascades must begin with the UN and its flawed system. MBB’s, Kenneth Cloke, has outlined the following line of reasoning for addressing the problem:
•We currently face problems that cannot be solved locally, by a consortium of nation states, by any international organization, including
the UN, or through force or litigation.
•Conflicts exist between nations, political groups, and organizations, regarding the problem’s existence, definition, and solutions. These conflicts interfere with timely solutions.
•Current mechanisms are incapable of solving these conflicts expediently or effectively, and failure to solve them will be catastrophic. The answer lies in communication and international collaboration.
•All sources of conflict need to be addressed, as well as resistance to systemic change at all levels. For this to happen, we need to increase our skills in cross-cultural communications, prejudice reduction and bias awareness, informal problem solving, group facilitation, public dialogue, collaborative negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution systems design.
During COP15, approximately 25 MBB members met each day to strategize and debrief. We also conducted a seminar with 60 international mediators from 20 countries, and studied a range of emerging climate conflicts. Through our pioneering efforts at the Bella Center, we evolved as a team and generated significant interest in conflict mediation. We made over a thousand contacts, including: Archbishop Desmond Tutu; Ivo DeBoer, chief COP negotiator; Noble Peace Prize Winner Wangari Mathai; and many others.
In the aftermath of Copenhagen, MBB is on a steep learning curve, analyzing diplomatic processes, preparing for COP 16 in Mexico, exploring partnerships (including ICAR), and preparing a guide on environmental conflict and mediation strategies. I
am personally proposing a parallel to the IPCC —the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the Noble Peace Prize with Al Gore, an IPMCC— an Interdisciplinary Panel on Mediating Environmental Conflicts.
In the absence of effective strategies to address the interlocking layers of conflict in Copenhagen, conflict escalated, as the powerful promoted artificial solutions, and concerned bystanders feared for humanity’s fate. As Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme noted, “This whole meeting is about facilitating away from conflict. Climate change is exacerbating and enhancing flashpoints of conflict.”
It is crucial, as a field, to recognize our profound and specific responsibility. It is up to us to rise to this challenge. If we do not, conflicts will unnecessarily escalate, and seal the fate of civilization. The stakes are as high as they can be. There is a void to be filled. We are needed. The time is now, and thanks to the efforts of MBB, the door is open.
For more information on Mediators Beyond Borders, visit their website at:, or contact Dr. Perlman directly.