Terryne Murphy
At EOIR, Murphy oversees the operations contract responsible for maintaining IT systems. "We have two major components whose concern is the adjudication of immigration cases and their appeals. Our customers are primarily the United States Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals. Conflicts definitely do arise on how to tackle problems."
The certificate program has impacted Murphy's professional life. "I find myself in the middle of things and I am better able to translate the knowledge I have learned and advise and counsel my staff a little better." Murphy feels that the certificate will enable her to have a bigger impact on the organization and help people within the organization deal with conflict without her. "When you give people the skills on how to navigate through their own issues, it is empowering." Murphy is continuing the program on a part-time basis and enjoys the flexibility of the program."Most programs are set up to have information travelling in one direction: expert to student. This isn't what the [ICAR] certificate program is about. I am treated as a practitioner and challenged to think that way immediately."