Rehumanizing American Justice: New StrategiesLast January, American C-140 planes launched attacks on southern Somalia killing not only Islamic Courts leaders in flight from the Ethiopian army but also bystanders and livestock. Initially, news outlets reported that the strikes killed another intended target, Fazul Mohamed, accused of bombing U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. A few hours later, an Associated Press reporter sought my reaction as a survivor of the 1998 bombing and the widow of a victim. She asked whether Fazul's death made me feel that "justice has been done". Arguing that killing and justice should never be equated, I reminded her that, in July 2001, four embassy bombings suspects had been convicted and sentenced using a recognizable form of justice: U.S. federal... |
Point of View Opening EventThis fall, Joan and Gene Smith, life-long friends of the Lynch family and chairs of the Point of View Campaign, hosted the opening event at Point of View for friends and colleagues. Under a white tent and with a view of a glorious sunset over Belmont Bay, the Point of View (POV) Master Plan and future vision for the site were unveiled to a group of more than 50 potential supporters. Bill Lynch led the evening with a thoughtful tribute to his late parents, Ed and Helen, who donated their 40-acre estate to ICAR to build a research and retreat center for conflict analysis and resolution. Gene Smith highlighted the wonderful contribution of the Lynch family and his personal commitment to helping make this project a reality. Jeff... |
Master Plan: A Signature DesignIn the seclusion of Belmont Bay and using the Lynch home and its surrounding 40 acres, ICAR will build a 52,000-square-foot natural research and retreat complex, the first in the world dedicated to conflict analysis and resolution. The complex will consist of three distinct areas that can accommodate up to 100 people, including 35 overnight guests. The site will include a signature Integrated Practice Center, a Retreat Complex and a Scholarly Research Center. In addition, the complex will provide: open dining and recreational facilities; a woodland amphitheater overlooking the Bay; a meditative ritual space with reflecting pool; large indoor and open-air meeting spaces; small, secluded and fully-equipped meeting rooms overlooking... |
Fresh Look for ICAR's Burton Library New Staff, New Hours and New MaterialsIn the past several years the John Burton Library has grown from a few shelves of donated books to more than four thousand records. Since its move to the Arlington Campus in 2004, the library has become a useful place for students to study, conduct research, and share ideas. The growth of the collection has been accompanied by an increase in staff and services. There are two new faces in the library and one returning from last year. Gee Kethusegile is a second-year master's student and returns from last year. In addition to her library duties, she also provides student support services. Lindsay Jones is also a second-year Master's student. Ross Gearllach is a first-year Master's student who can also be found at ICAR's front desk. Together these... |
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Lee H. Hamilton Addresses U.S. Diplomacy at 20th Lynch LectureOn October 22nd, at the National Press Club, ICAR celebrated the 20th Annual Lynch Lecture featuring the Honorable Lee H. Hamilton. For a gathering of nearly two hundred faculty, staff, students and friends of ICAR, Mr. Hamilton's reflections centered on the Importance of Diplomacy when Dealing with Intractable Conflicts. ICAR established the lecture series to bring the idea and theory of conflict analysis and resolution to the attention of the entire University community and to express our gratitude to Edwin and Helen Lynch. The lecture series serves as a way to expand our thinking about deep-rooted and protracted conflicts. This year we looked for insights on what to do about the ruptures in U.S. relationships with leaders and members of other... |
Upcoming ICAR Community EventsFor more info on events, email [email protected] November 6: November 8: November 8: November 17: December 6: |
Recent ICAR Op-Eds and Letters to the EditorUS Prison System Needs Overhaul |
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News NetworkThe ongoing negotiations between Russia and the United States on the missile defense system in Eastern Europe continue to fail. Statements with mutually exclusive goals only push each other further away. The gap steadily grows larger, adding only more disagreement and irritation. Political analysts admit that the relationship has reached its lowest point since the Cold War. Yet, the end is not nigh, improvement is possible. The countries must first come to terms with their differing views on national and global security. While the purpose of the U.S. missile defense shield is the obvious bone of contention, there are much deeper problems. The major cause of the deteriorating relationship is the erroneous frame through which each country is... |
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New Books When Terrorism and Counterterrorism Clash The War on Terror and the Transformation of Terrorist Activity Book Description |
Lauren BergmannMany roads lead to ICAR. For Lauren Bergmann the most recent turn in that road began when she decided that law school was not for her (at least not for now) and chose to pursue education in the field of conflict resolution. While at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, she worked in a restorative justice program and liked the concept as a complement to our current systems of justice. As she puts it, "the justice system alienates both the victim and the offender from the process and restorative justice lets people know how they feel and helps them reconnect with the community. "Lauren is the winner of the James H. Laue Memorial Scholarship which is dedicated to one of the founders of the program in the... |
Sally MorelandSally Moreland was one of the two incoming M.S. students chosen to receive the Laue Scholarship given in memory of James H. Laue and his dedication and service to the field of education and in particular, ICAR. Sally has known that she wanted to attend graduate school for conflict resolution since her first year of college. She majored in Political Science, but minored in conflict resolution and peace studies. Sally was not only active within her school community, however, she was also active in her community as a volunteer mediator with Catholic Charities of York, PA. Sally looked at several different graduate programs in conflict resolution, but was impressed that at ICAR, Conflict Resolution was not housed under another office, but rather was a... |
Open House to Feature Working GroupsNovember 8th is ICAR's Third Annual Open House. This event brings together students, faculty, alumni, and friends of ICAR for an evening of networking and socializing. The event does not have a formal program, so everyone is welcome to drop in for as little or as long as they are able. We'll have appetizers and drinks and information on ICAR's ongoing student and faculty projects for this year. ICAR's student working groups will be on hand to share their fall semester programs. The Public Policy Working Group recently concluded a four day policy conference, in coordination with ICAR professor Richard Rubenstein and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, titled "Partnering for Peace: Transatlantic... |