Maneshka Eliatamby

Maneshka Eliatamby
PhD Candidate and Adjunct Faculty


Maneshka Eliatamby is Senior Vice President and Chief Program Officer at Communities Without Boundaries International, Inc. Dr. Eliatamby has over twelve years of experience working as a practitioner turned practicing-scholar in the fields of peacebuilding and development, focusing on nonviolence and peacebuilding education, conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding and development, youth and women.

She is co-editor and author of the book Women Waging War & Peace (Continuum Press, 2011). Maneshka’s other book publications include Peacemaking and the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr co-authored with Johnny J. Mack in Peacemaking: A Comprehensive Theory and Practice Reference (ABC-Clio, 2011). Her other publications have appeared in the Africa Peace & Conflict Journal and USAID publications. She is currently working on several other books, including After the Gunfire: Nonviolent Approaches to DDRR . Maneshka Eliatamby teaches conflict resolution and peacebuilding at the graduate and under graduate degree programs at the School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution (previously the Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution) at George Mason University in Virginia, and guest lectures at a number of other universities, including American University in Washington, DC. She has also carried out extensive nonviolence and peacebuilding education and training activities in the Balkans, East Africa, South Asia, and the United States.

Maneshka is a Founding Director of Reconcile and Rebuild Sri Lanka, and Director of the Center for Peacebuilding International in Washington, DC. She was previously Director of Research, Education, and Training at Real

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Titlesort icon Semester
Introductory skill-building course integrating conflict theory and practice using reflective practitioner model. Students learn necessary skills...
Introductory skill-building course integrating conflict theory and practice using reflective practitioner model. Students learn necessary skills...
Introduces innovative practices and provides structure to reflect on and improve ability to work within conflict...
Introductory skill-building course integrating conflict theory and practice using reflective practitioner model. Students learn necessary skills...
Examines selected topics relating to analysis or resolution of conflict. Topics vary but may include historical...
Covers conflict at macro level, introducing theories of international and global violence and conflict, drawing from...
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Title Published Date
April 30, 2012
Conventional narratives concerning violent conflict portray women as more likely to choose non-violence over violence, their roles limited to victim or peacemaker. These portrayals capture a partial truth. This dissertation explicates the structural, cultural and...
Category: Doctoral Dissertation
December 10, 2011
Martin Luther King Jr. espoused a philosophical framework and methodological strategy for nonviolent social change at a time when the field of peacemaking, conflict analysis, and conflict resolution theory and practice (PCAR)1 was still young (mid-1950s to mid-...
Category: Book Chapter
This collection of essays explores the role of women as they participate in both conflict and peacemaking.The essays, contributed by scholars and practitioners from around the world, do not look at women as victims or perpetrators, but instead examine their...
Category: Book
Eritrea, Nepal, and Sri Lanka are three countries where women’s involvement in conflict constitutes more than 30% of the fighting forces. The patriarchal cultures that prevail in these countries have contributed to the adoption of violence by women. Many...
Category: Book Chapter
Chechnya and Sri Lanka are two cases that explore the emergence of women in the role of suicide bomber. Suicide attacks are often attributed to irrationality, fanaticism, extremism, and ‘pure’ craziness of perpetrators. This chapter explores the agency...
Category: Book Chapter
Out of the ashes of the civil war in Sri Lanka has arisen the amazing story of women building peace. Visaka Dharmadasa and 12,000 mothers who lost their sons in the war formed a sustainable grassroots peace movement. More than any one else, these women understand...
Category: Book Chapter
This chapter integrates the stories of women and agency by providing an expanded conception of conflict and intervention from a different voice. Reflecting on the lessons learned from cases in 16 countries, several insights emerged. The story of all wars...
Category: Book Chapter
The chapter introduces the book—its origin and what the reader can expect to find from the stories presented. It presents the organization—from Inside Conflict to Prevention—in the context of women’s agency. The authors’ experiences...
Category: Book Chapter
August 31, 2007
Category: Papers & Reports
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Title Published Date
June 12, 2014
The kidnapping of 278 schoolgirls is one of the most recent in a series of attacks by Boko Haram, a militant Islamic
Category: Newsletter Article

August 22, 2013
Faculty members, graduates, and students of George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Category: Newspaper Article

April 2010
From 1983 to 2009, the Indian Ocean island of Sri Lanka experienced a bloody and brutal civil war between the
Category: Newsletter Article

See video
January 10, 2008
BBC interview with Maneshka Eliatamby de Silva, PhD Student at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
Category: Television Appearances

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Title Event Datesort icon
MLK Event Week Youth Leadership and Civil Rights in the 21st CenturyThursday, January 22nd5:00pm-7:00pmMetropolitan Building 5183Please join S-CAR in welcoming a panel to discuss youth leadership and civil rights in the 21st Century. Speakers from various organizations will be represented
January 22, 2015
Maneshka Eliatambyparticipated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where she presented the paper,"The Researched and The Researcher: "Ethics" the Invisible and Universal Thread that Binds Us?"
March 26, 2014
Sandra Cheldelin and Maneshka Eliatamby participated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where they were a discussant and Chair respectively on the panel, “Raising the Bar: Ethics in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution.”
March 26, 2014
Maneshka Eliatambyparticipated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where she chaired the panel, “Women, Activism, and Peace”
March 26, 2014
Kenya Post Westgate: Rebuilding Community & Building Peace Panel DiscussionWednesday, October 16, 201312:00pm-2:00pmMetropolitan Building 5145Please RSVP Sixty-Seven people lost their lives and nearly 200 individuals were injured in the recent attacks at the Westgate shopping center in
October 16, 2013
The speakers at the March who are affiliated with S-CAR are:Ángel Cabrera, President of George Mason UniversityMichael Shank, PhD Alumnus, S-CAR; Director of Foreign Policy at FCNL, Adjunct ProfessorJohnny J. Mack, PhD Student, School for Conflict Analysis and ResolutionManeshka Eliatamby, Adjunct
August 24, 2013
Speaker BiographiesDr. Heidi Burgess earned her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Colorado in 1979. She then did postdoctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (where she worked with Larry Susskind and learned about the then very new approach to environmental disputes
May 19, 2012
When the Tiger was a Woman: Unraveling the Myth and Comprehending the Complexities of the Female Combatant in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil EelamConventional narratives concerning violent conflict portray women as more likely to choose non-violence over violence, their roles limited to victim or
April 30, 2012
A panel and audience discussion on the relationship of the field of conflict analysis and resolution to the government of the United States of America. When: Thursday, November 18, 2010 Time: 7:00-9:00pm Reception: 7:00-7:30pm. ( with refreshments ) Panel Discussion: 7:30-9:00pm Where: Truland
November 18, 2010
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