World Bank: how to get out of protracted conflicts

Radio Broadcast
World Bank: how to get out of protracted conflicts
Published Date: April 18, 2011
Publisher: United Nations
Publication: UN Radio
Featuring: Ekaterina Romanova
Topics of Interest: Conflict Resolution, Economic Development, Education
Language: Russian

Conflicts, particularly repetitive, do not allow countries to escape poverty and violence. Children living in the so-called "fragile states" are twice as often malnourished and their chances to get an education are three times lower than that of other children. Where violence is the norm, poverty rates grow by 20%. This is the lesson of the last World Bank report, entitled "Conflict, Security and Development". According to its authors, from conflict or suffering the consequences today, at least half a million people.

On the nature of contemporary conflicts and how they can be overcome, Elena Vapnichnaya questioned World Bank consultant, lecturer at the American University Ekaterina Romanova.

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