Cheryl Lynn Duckworth Interviews with PRESSedent with host Matt Davis
Ph.D., George Mason University
Cheryl Lynn Duckworth, Professor of Conflict Resolution at Nova Southeastern University. A Leader in peace-building programs and a conflict resolution policy analyst, she has served such organizations as the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy and the Center for International Education. She has lived in Zimbabwe and Paraguay, and published and presented globally on her two passions, peace education and peace economics, exploring ways to transform the economic, political, social and psychological root causes of war and violence. Her more recent publications include her book which explores the role of dignity in social movements, Land and Dignity in Paraguay, and an article on her implementation of critical peace education curriculum in a juvenile detention home.
Dr. Duckworth has trained hundreds of students, teachers and community leaders in peace education and conflict resolution both in the US and internationally. Currently she serves as the faculty advisor of NSU’s Peace Education Working Group and on the Advisory Board of the Hope Development Foundation, a women’s rights and peace building organization in Pakistan. Cheryl has taught qualitative research methods, foundations of conflict resolution and peace education. She is active in the Alliance for International Education, the Comparative and International Education Society and the International Peace Research Association. She blogs at Teach for Peace.
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