Democracy Now Features ICAR Professor Susan Hirsch

Television Appearence
Susan F. Hirsch
Susan F. Hirsch
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Democracy Now Features ICAR Professor Susan Hirsch

Susan Hirsch, professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, calls for a fair trial for Ahmad Ghailani, an alleged participant in the 1998 Tanzania embassy bombing where Hirsch lost her husband. Ghailani has been held in secret CIA custody and is now a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay where he will be tried by a military commission. Hirsch is the author of "In the Moment of Greatest Calamity: Terrorism, Grief and a Victim's Quest for Justice," a personal account of her experiences during the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombing in Tanzania, the loss of her husband as a victim of the attack and the subsequent trial of four defendants. Original content by April 2, 2008.

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Publisher: Democracy Now
Published Date: April 02, 2008
Publication: Democracy Now
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