Democracy Now Features ICAR Professor Susan Hirsch
Ph.D., Anthropology, 1990, Duke University, Thesis: Gender and Disputing, Insurgent Voices in Coastal Kenyan Muslim Courts
B.A., Anthropology, 1982, Yale College, Magna cum laude with distinction in Anthropology.
Susan Hirsch, professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, calls for a fair trial for Ahmad Ghailani, an alleged participant in the 1998 Tanzania embassy bombing where Hirsch lost her husband. Ghailani has been held in secret CIA custody and is now a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay where he will be tried by a military commission. Hirsch is the author of "In the Moment of Greatest Calamity: Terrorism, Grief and a Victim's Quest for Justice," a personal account of her experiences during the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombing in Tanzania, the loss of her husband as a victim of the attack and the subsequent trial of four defendants. Original content by April 2, 2008.
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