Rich Rubenstein Interviews with PRESSedent with host Matt Davis

Television Appearence
Richard Rubenstein
Rich Rubenstein Interviews with PRESSedent with host Matt Davis

Richard E. Rubenstein is University Professor of Conflict Resolution and Public Affairs at George Mason University, holding degrees from Harvard College, Oxford University (as a Rhodes Scholar), and Harvard Law School. 

A former lawyer, political scientist, and director of S-CAR, he is the author of eight books about various types of violent social conflict and the possibilities of resolving them nonviolently. Rubenstein teaches grad and undergrad courses on conflict theory and speaks publicly on issues of peace and social justice. 

Dr. Rubenstein was awarded a residency at the Rockefeller Foundation Center in Bellagio, Italy, for four weeks in March and April 2009. The residency was used to work on his book titled "Reasons to Kill: Why Americans Choose War".

See video
Publisher: PRESSedent
Published Date: December 06, 2011
Publication: PRESSedent
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