Official Title: Kalinga-Apayao Zone of Life.
Department: Kalinga, Mountain Province
Region: northern Luzon in the Cordillera.
Ethnic Mix: Indigenous
IDP Population:
Date of Establishment: 1990 in a public declaration.
Traditional Political Affiliation:
Trigger Events:
Persons/organizations involved in establishment:
Leadership: Local elders, oranising through a “Badong Congress” held April 14-15 1989], which sought
to revive traditional peace maintaining methods involving a voluntary agreement [badong],
peace pact “holders [pangats] and everyone being responsible for individuals and families of
“the other side”.
Declared objectives:
Relations with local government bodies:
Mayor’s Office:
Governor’s Office:
Memberships in regional organizations:
Organizational structure:
Community Meetings:
Decision making Bodies:
Functional committees:
Valued goods produced in region:
Local Armed Actors in region:
Arrangements with LAA’s :
Significant Events:
Further Comments: The area has been described as one of the most highly militarised and least developed areas, and the indigenous people as among the fiercest in the country, whose traditional system of local truces and peace pacts, designed to prevent the escalation of inter-tribal blood conflicts, had fallen into disuse and needed to be revived. The Kalinga people have led local indigenous resistance to government development schemes - including the damming of local rivers - and to exploitation by outside mining and logging companies.
Last Updated: December 2005
Local Peace-building Working Group
Dr. Christopher Mitchell has reconstituted the Zones of Peace Working Group under under a new title and with a broader focus. For more information, read the letter from Dr. Mitchell and check out the links below.
Newsletter Article: Analyzing Civil War and Local Peacebuilding at S-CAR
Students may request to join the group on the S-CAR Network