Official Title: Tiquisio Citizens Process
Departamento: Bolivar
Ethnic mix:
IDP population:
Date of establishment 2002
Traditional political affiliation:
Trigger event[s]:
Persons/organisations involved in establishment:
Leadership: Local Parish priest, Father Rafael Gallego, provided leadership together with leaders Martha Lucia Torres Sierra and Said Antonio Echaves, all of whom have revceived many death threats.
Supporters: Support has been forthcoming from the Mayor's office, the Personaria [humn rights office, the Magdalena Medio Peace & Development Office, CINEP and REDEPAZ. From outside Colombia support has been forthcoming from the Colombia Support Netweork, while Christian Peacemaker Teams have been acxtive in accompanying the community.
Declared objectives:
Relations with local government bodies:
Mayor’s office:
Governor’s office:
Memberships of regional organisations:
Organisational structure:
Community meetings: Community governance is arranged around the community Asamblea to which each village sends a representative. The assembly operates through 8 working groupswhich identify projects to be undertaken durting the coming year.
Decision making bodies
Functional committees.
Valued goods produced in region: Gold, previously mined by local, low-tech methods now being exploited by Canada/S.Africa based Kedahda Corpn.
Local armed actors in the region:
Armed forces: Narino Battalion.; in 2008 the army was maintaining a military base int he mddle of the community near the school.
Paramilitaries: Were in control of region since the late 1990’s.
Guerrillas: ELN controlled region from c.1978 to c.1997
Arrangements with L.A.A.s. Deaths continue to afflict the community. The EPL has assassinated at least one community leaders
Significant events: In May 2008 Fr. Gallego and two of his supporters were forced to leave Tiquisio because of death threats issues by the neo-paras, Black Eagles, who were active in the region.
Further comments: The community has established acommunity farm, a rural school, a health clinic and a community based radio station.
According to CSN reports, the community has had some success in persauding former guerrillas and paras to give up their weapons and re-integrated in civilian life
Last Updated: August 2012.
Local Peace-building Working Group
Dr. Christopher Mitchell has reconstituted the Zones of Peace Working Group under under a new title and with a broader focus. For more information, read the letter from Dr. Mitchell and check out the links below.
Newsletter Article: Analyzing Civil War and Local Peacebuilding at S-CAR
Students may request to join the group on the S-CAR Network