Awards and Honors
Dennis Sandole
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Professor of Conflict Resolution and International Relations
Ph.D, Department of Politics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 1979
B.A, Department of Economics, Temple University, (Cum Laude) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1967, Certificate Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt,
in German Federal Republic of Germany, 1977
Topics of Interest:
Basic Human Needs, Central Europe, Civil Society, Positive/Negative Peace, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Qualitative Skills, Conflict Resolution, Quantitative Skills, Research, North America, Russia, Diplomacy, Southeast Asia, Dispute Resolution, Economic Development, Education, Western Asia, Western Europe, Human Rights, International Relations, PeaceBuilding, Politics, Religion, Security, Terrorism
Awards and Honor:

NATO Research Fellowship
Date: June 01, 1993
NATO Research Fellowship. Interviewed (primarily) heads of delegation of 29 of the 53 participating states of the (then) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), to elicit their views about peace and security in post-Cold War Europe two years after ethnic warfare began in the Balkans and two years before the Dayton Peace Accords stopped the wars in Bosnia, June-July 1993.
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