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Newspaper Articles by this Author
Don't let Yemen turn into Syria: Column
Feckless on Foreign Policy
Meryl Streep is right; bullying hurts us all
Global Mayors Protest Trump’s Anti-Climate Cabinet
Expect Resource Wars With Exxon CEO At State Helm
Pro-Earth Republicans In The Era Of President Trump
Businesses Must Take the Lead on Climate-Change Action
There is a Major Climate Issue Hiding in Your Closet: Fast Fashion
America’s Costly Addiction To Billion-Dollar Bailouts
River at Risk: Oil, Gas, Nukes Threaten New York Health
Pardon Edward Snowden: He is a patriot and deserves a presidential pardon
The Path To Clean Energy Requires An Energy-Storage Revolution
Why Obama should pardon Snowden: Column
Bucolic Peekskill under attack: View
Donald Trump's Immigration Plan Would Ban One-Third of the World From the U.S.
California Is Going Nuclear-Free, Which Means Everyone Else Can, Too
Trump Should Take a Lesson From the Pope on How to Lead
Analysis: Fast fashion comes at a steep price for the environment
This Is the Only Way to Fight Global Climate Change
Why Forest Whitaker Is Making the UN Goals Famous
We're fiddling as the climate burns
Unholy Media Malpractice: The press totally missed the point of Bernie Sanders' trip to the Vatican.
Ending the Exploitation of People and the Planet
What Do We Mean When We Say "Clean Energy"?
Opinion: Why Trump’s foreign policy won’t make America great again
Because National Governments Won't, Cities Are Pushing Zero-Energy Buildings
Proof Nuclear Energy Is a Huge Security Risk
Indian Point: Past Its Expiration Date
Analysis: Progressive policies provide answer for Sanders’ foreign policy gap
What the Flint Crisis Reveals About Inequality in the U.S.
The NYC Security Risk That Candidates Aren't Discussing
The Missing Ingredient in UN's 2030 Global Goals
The Noxious Origins of NYC Gentrification: Cooking Gas
How sustainability should shape the American diet
Climate Action Is Solution to Slowing Superstorms | Commentary
Anti-immigration Legislation Makes Cities and Citizens Less Safe
Rep. Charles Rangel: Let's slow down the next superstorm
Hurricane Joaquin: Another Word for Climate Change
Why World Leaders Are Starting to Eat Garbage
Final Frontier on Carbon Emissions: Food
Why US and Chinese cities will make or break any global climate deal
What Pope Francis Will Say to America This Week
Congress Better Listen to the Pope on Climate Change
Meat Alert
Mason/EMU alum Michael Shank works with media to tell the story of climate change
Mason’s Michael Shank Joins White House Climate Change Group
Vatican Mayors Summit Spots Pope on Municipal Pulpit
Kentucky Coal Country's Clean Tech Makeover
Slavery and Climate – There's More in Common Than You Think, Vatican Says
USDA Does Diets Differently, Moves Off Meat
Congressman Cárdenas Continues Fight to Help Long-Term Unemployed Americans
Rep Cárdenas Introduces Job Legislation To Help the Unemployed Relocate
Albany Gets "F" for Failing to Protect Tenants
Climate change denial — the dangerous lie
Rand Paul Got It Right on ISIS
Texas flood's climate change irony: Column
Confronting Homeland Security's 'SSSS' Watch List
David N. Cicilline and Michael Shank: Global warming threatens R.I.
Blessed Are the Climate Advocates
Turkey's Best Asset to Tackle ISIS: Ankara or America?
The Business Argument for Addressing Climate Change
NYC Housing: A Clear and Present Danger
Cyclone Pam Is Just the Start
How to Fix Turkey's Fall From International Favor
Water shortages are coming. It's time for us to act.
How to fix our police departments
Death to America in Yemen? No.
9/11 Forever (and Ever)
More record warmth means more flooding: Column
Republicans want to fight climate change, too
Hottest Year on Record, 2014, Brings Economic Opportunity
Protecting America's Clean Drinking Water
We can't let climate change turn droughts, flash floods and mudslides into the new normal
How Peer Pressure Brought Australia on Board Climate Fund
Climate Change Is An Immediate Threat
How Germans Go Green
Yemeni Al-Qaeda Branch Threatens U.S. Hostage
Community Activists Question Timing Of Grand Jury Announcement
Yemen’s a Model All Right—For Disaster
Breakdown in Yemen
Detroit On The Brink
Dirty Energy Dollars
Post-Election Ferguson: Bipartisan Congress to Demilitarize Police
Go After Super Pollutants
Police Militarization Must Be Halted
Iraq’s Islamic divisions intensify
Why Hong Kong's #OccupyCentral Used Nonviolent Action as Tactic
Yemen is on the Brink of Chaos - And Why It's So Important
The Audacity of Air Strikes and Secret Deals: Just making Isis grow stronger?
UN Summit Already Successful: $50 Billion Divested From Fossil Fuels
Fossil Fuel Divestment Makes UN Climate Summit a Success
Don't Let China Dominate: When it comes to renewable energy, China is trumping the U.S.
Stop the ISIS War Before It Gets Worse!
Why Congress Needs to Act Now On Super-Pollutants
Divestment-Investment Can Break Congressional Gridlock on Climate Change
Stop Treating America Like a War Zone: Congress must stop the militarization of America's police forces
What can Washington do about militarized police forces?
Get the Military Off of Main Street: Ferguson Shows the Risks of Militarized Policing
Stop the Pentagon program that militarizes U.S. police forces
Africa Needs More from Obama than Promises
Military-First is the Wrong Approach Toward Africa
Cleaning Up Big Oil in Nigeria An SEC rule could help stem oil-related violence in the Niger Delta
Gaza Memo to Congress: Talk to Hamas
America's Water Supply Is Going Down the Drain
America Needs a 'Reset' in Policy Toward Somalia
How to stop Libya becoming another Iraq
U.S. Military Interventionism Has Harmed Iraq Dearly
How to Avoid the Same Old Mistakes in Iraq
Why Americans Are Ready to Pay More Money for Cleaner Energy
Embracing Healthier Communities Through Clean Energy
Dear Congress: Take Your Power Back
Yemen’s Chaos
Why D.C. should take Youth Court program off life support
The Harm in Hashtags
Letter From Yemen: How to Undermine al-Qaida | Commentary
Civil Society Is Faltering In This Middle East Nation
How to Pull Yemen Back from the Edge
Dirt on Our Hands
Why I'm Going to Yemen
Ukraine Diplomatic Deal: Necessary Next Steps
The Dangers of Soft Power: Government backed cultural programs often come across as just propaganda
Rwanda- A Country Still in Need
Ukraine crisis underscores need for renewables push
Why Congress Should Care About the Beepocalypse | Commentary
A Budget for Working America
How to Defuse the Ukraine Crisis: The way to respond to Russia is not with Cold War rhetoric
Oil Is At The Heart Of The Ukraine Crisis
Bosnia Back on the Brink: Ukraine can learn from Bosnia's failed socioeconomic policies
How to save the American Dream
Hong Kong's 'Occupy': A movement for universal suffrage in Hong Kong is worrying Beijing
Small town America shouldn't resemble war zone
History Repeating Itself in Ukraine
U.S.-E.U. Rhetoric on Russia as Destructive as a Chekhovian Duel
Here's Why The U.S. Needs To Upgrade Economic Indicators
Saving District of Columbia’s Youth Court
Jobs: A Human Right | Commentary
Sign a Drone Treaty Before Everyone Does as We Do
Time to write the rules for cyber and drone challenges
Turkey’s once-worldly aims falter, even close allies concerned
Somalia Needs a War on Poverty
Defense Department in Somalia
U.S. Soldiers in Somalia and the Pentagon's Unlearned Lessons
U.S. Credibility Around the World Damaged by Afghanistan War
Congress vs. the Super-Pollutants
Minimum wage war reaches tipping point
A new look at climate change
Why Rep. Hunter Is Very Wrong About Nuking Iran
Helping Cuba on the Road to Reform
Turkmenistan cautiously opens to the world
UN climate change negotiations in Poland this week
U.S. Must Respect Afghanistans Sovereignty During Withdrawal and Beyond
Tea-Party, Progressives United on Fast-Track Trade Authority
No Iran deal, but significant progress in Geneva
Why the White House Won't Win the Afghanistan War
Why NFL's Washington Redskins needs renaming
Food insecurity rising as crop production falls
Boots on the Ground, Not Unmanned Robots in the Sky
How to Build a GDP Measure for the Real Economy
Elections in Tajikistan Have Implications for U.S. Policy in Afghanistan
Militarization of U.S. Police Forces
Climate crisis and the will to act
In Afghanistan, end the fighting and stop the meddling
Why the Kerry-Karzai Afghan Security Deal Won't Work
Five Steps America Must Take Now to Combat Climate Change
No Immunity for US Troops: Why Hamid Karzai Punted to Loya Jirga
Next Steps in Syria
America's police are looking more and more like the military
The Next Step for Myanmar
Americans have had enough conflict
7 Ways Obama's U.N. Speech Revealed His Inconsistent Foreign Policy
To stop al-Shabab, help Somali people
Fed Up With Climate Change Apathy
Why water is key to Syria conflict
How Climate Change Sparked the Crisis in Syria
A Callous Disregard for the Law
Press Pause on the Rush to War
Charlie Rangel: Why I Oppose Syria Strikes
Does the U.S. have a moral imperative in Syria?
10 Syria Questions for John Kerry and Chuck Hagel
If America wants Assad to respect international law, it must respect it, too
What Are the Rules of War?
Prevention better than punitive in Syria
Syria Needs Real Help, Not American Bombs
Our moral obligations in Somalia
Iran's Election Win Warrants U.S. Sanctions Rethink
My surprising, startling experience in Somalia
Somalia on the Brink
What Would MLK Think of America’s Modern Wars?
Advertising against Muslims? Not with my tax dollars
Why we should keep out of Somalia’s affairs
A New Approach to Dealing With Global Food Insecurity
Busting the Biofuels Boom
Let's keep Syria's blood off America's hands
The Real War on Coal Starts in Kosovo
Bribes, money hidden in teddy bears: welcome to US spending in Afghanistan
The Big Problems in Obama's Big Trade Deals
Congress Should Scrutinize Pending Trade Pacts
How U.S. War Funds Get Wasted ... And How to Stop It
Obama Thinks Too Small on Climate Change
Aid Gone Awry in Africa
Abe Lincoln impersonator to teach kids about the budget
The Iran opening
U.S. Sanctions On Iran Should Be Lifted For Humanitarian Goods
What Trans-Pacific and U.S.-EU Trade Partnerships Must Tackle: Jobs
Doing Due Diligence on Diplomacy With Damascus
The only way forward on Syria
America Must Rethink the War on Terror: The Authorization for Use of Military Force needs to be modified to avoid mission creep
Drones weaken USA's moral might: Opposing view
Doing away with food deserts in the District
Military spending is not right way to boost America's economic security
D.C.’s separate and (un)equal driver’s license plan
Authorization for Use of Military Force: a blank check for war without end
DC Public Schools: How to keep kids out of class, not in
Ending global poverty dependent on employment based growth
Stop atrocities before they start
Congress Must Tax Fossil Fuels
Immigration debate: How DC can move the conversation forward
Cost of inaction will be great
Addressing DC's truancy epidemic
Sequester set to sock it to D.C.’s poorest
This Week in Poverty: 'A Place at the Table' and 'American Winter'
Rand Paul's Filibuster Gives Civil Liberties A Rare Washington Moment
Why is the US so reticent to read the right messages in Asia and the Pacific?
Anacostia totem pole belies Washington’s devotion to Redskins
Instead of Gray’s Raise D.C., Michelle Rhee’s book: Let’s take a truly radical approach to school reform
Missing the mark on Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy at MLK Avenue
Gun Bans Aren't the Only Answer to America's Violence Problem
Anti-Chinese sentiment clouds US foreign policy
Sandy Hook shootings: We need to focus on more than just gun control
Tackling the most grave and serious global security threats
Congress Can't Ignore Afghanistan in Budget Talks
‘Amish Mafia’ is a shameful, unrealistic portrayal of plain people
GOP, follow Stevens' example
‘Lincoln’: Where was Frederick Douglass?
These fiscal cliff hawks ought to be foreign policy doves
Need a thoughtful, efficient legal immigration process
Anacostia: Why I have faith in the future of my neighborhood
The District’s Divide: Classism, Racism and the Re-Election of Marion Barry
How to stop the stone-throwing in Anacostia
Why We Heart Hurricanes: The Climate Change Connection
Hurricane Sandy: Time to do something about climate change
Our Love-Hate Relationship With Frankenstorms and Hurricane Sandy and Why We Must End It
Our Prejudicial and Political Pecking Order
'Free Speech' on the DC Metro
Boycotting Muslim 'Savages' Ad on DC Metro in Protest of Hate Speech
Love thy neighbour
We Must Revive the American Dream by Alleviating Poverty
Tale of Two Conventions: Why Charlotte Wins Over White Tampa
Democratic Party looks like America
Political Discourse: A Family Affair
What Paul Ryan’s economic roadmap means for America
Paul Ryan's path to economic peril
Republicans and the Mennonite vote
Paul Ryan's Radical Economic Regime: Why His House Budget Legacy Is a Lesson in Elitism
We must make anti-bullying a mainstream message
Mass shootings show need for gun law reform
Questions must be about gun safety
Chick-fil-A, Corporate Responsibility and Civic (and Civil) Engagement
One Week After Colorado Shooting, US Government Still Failing to Safeguard America
Inside the Beltway: Pillars of liberty
Why the Gun Control Debate Doesn't Do Justice to Colorado Killings
With Income Inequality Comes Violence
Post Eurozone crisis, how to increase a country's resilience to risk
Invest in the Afghan people not foreign contractors
Nevada is No. 1 in violent crime – what's the economic price and what can be done?
When Washington Welcomes A Nonviolent Muslim: What CBS News and Congress Have In Common
Afghanistan Exit Strategy Must Focus on Development
Shank: White House, Congress Choosing Wrong Path on Iran
Gridlock is death for deliberation
Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban
Rahmani death a blow to Afghan peace
Violence and violence-containment's $460 billion price tag
When diplomatic opportunities were dismissed
Shank and Gilchrest: Increasing the Peace Can Reduce the Debt
Bringing Florida to Justice, Not Just George Zimmerman
What the Killing of Trayvon Martin Means for Maryland
Lack of US-Syria Diplomacy Leads to Dangerous Isolation
What will Rep. Dennis Kucinich's legacy be?
The U.S. Afghanistan Strategy Is Failing and It's Time to Pull Out
World Bank needs Jeffrey Sachs
Germany's lesson for U.S. -- keep faith with workers
Candidates should address cost of violence in primary states
New Virginia gun law will boost violence, costs
Will Republicans suggest an economic cure in Nevada?
Shank and Powell: Climate Change Fight Includes Private Sector
Time for the peace vote?
Measuring the cost of violence
What My Amish and Mennonite Forefathers Would Think About My Job in Congress (and Why I Left)
All we are saying is, give a thorough cost-benefit analysis a chance
Consumers, business carry the ball on climate change
A peace dividend we should all want
Eight ingredients for a peaceful society
Republican Reasoning: Why 2008 Was the Year for Occupying and Protesting Wall Street
America cannot afford such inequality
On 10th Anniversary of Afghan War, Time to Exit Militarized US Foreign Policy
On 9/21/11 (UN Day of Peace): How Peaceful Is the World?
Want to cut big government abuses? Start with defence contracting
The costly errors of America's wars
Peace is profitable: time for the US to invest
America's lawmakers in Libyan quagmire
Why Washington must look to Ankara
Bush's true legacy in Egypt
Working Abroad a Big Help on the Hill
A Grassroots Visit Belies Washington's View of Afghanistan
Afghans Want U.S. to Stay but Do Things Differently
The Hill Features Michael Shank, ICAR Ph.D. Candidate
Congressional Quarterly Features Michael Shank, ICAR Ph.D. Candidate
Waking Up to Afghanistan's Realities
After the Shooting Stops
Hindustan Times Features ICAR PhD Candidate Michael Shank
We Lead Developed World in Poverty and Inequality
Somalia Resurfaces
Poverty, Political Instability and Somali Piracy - Z
Find Stability on Land to Put a Stop to Piracy by Somalis - ZN
Air America Interviews ICAR PhD Candidate Michael Shank
The Call for Change In the White House Is an Understatement
Talking to the Taliban
A Whole, Different View
Energy Is at the Heart of Many Recent Conflicts
Obama, McCain Don't Grasp Roots of Pakistan's Instability
Congress Must Extend Tax Credits for Renewable and Efficient Sources
US Airstrike in Pakistan
Crime and the Economy are Directly Related - Z
Drill Here, Drill Now? No: Sustainability Lies Elsewhere
Global Peace Index Ranking Doesn't Flatter the U.S.
Liberal Persuasions
Game Emblematic of Party Politics
US Needs to Take Lead on Reducing Emissions
Larger Meaning of 'Use it or Lose it'
High-Level Engagement by US and UK is Needed Vis a Vis Iran - Z
Conference Cites a Growing Gap in Muslim-Western Relations
US Policy in Iraq: A Plague on Both Houses
McCain's Irresponsibly Rosy Outlook on Iraq, Afghanistan
Why Not Firm Call for UN Reform?
This Earth Day is Different
Poppy Crop Destruction Drives Farmers Towards Taliban - Z
U.N. Security Council Must Act Preemptively - on Climate Change
Bali Confirmed the Shift: Nation Is On Board Now
GMU's Broadside Features ICAR's Role in Forum on Climate Change
Afghan Domestic Opinion Neglected in Ashdown Plan - Z
Gilchrest's Defeat a Loss for Congress
High Stakes in Effort to Sink Gilchrest's Canoe Diplomacy
Accountability in Indonesia
Running Low
False Sense of Security in Iraq
Gaza Sanctions Exact an Unjust Toll on Civilians
Don't Choke Off Gaza
What the Surge Doesn't Do
US Recognises Tactic that Could Outflank Taliban - ZN
Overdue Wisdom in Afghanistan -Z
What Iraq and Somalia Have in Common
McCain's Two Wars
Interview with United Nations President Dr. Srgjan Kerim: Dialogue with Iran
Democracy Was Never America's Nor Musharraf's Goal in Pakistan
Banco del Sur
An alternative to the World Bank and IMF
Huckabee: Heroic Conservative?
The Irony of Indonesia as Climate Change Host
Congress's Goals on CAFE, Biofuels don't go Far Enough
The U.S. and Pakistan
Putting Iran on Annapolis Guest List Less of a Risk than Not - Z
Annapolis Holds Opportunity for Mideast Peace
Pakistan Tempts the Democrats
Pakistan Isn't Iran
Tough Stand on Musharraf Critical for U.S.'s Credibility
Steer Concerned Celebs Instead of Stifling Them - ZN
Selling America
The Soil that Saves
Biofuels are Helpful but no Panacea for Relieving America's Dependence on Oil
An Opium Alternative for Afghanistan
Pioneers Can Secure Our Future
Wal-Mart is Walking the Walk on Sustainability
Wikipedia 'Shows CIA Page Edits' - ZN
A Chance to Improve Mental Health Services for Virginia
Somalia, it is Time to Open Your Doors
Reducing Taliban Recruitment by Development
Meeks on Global Peace Index: An Interview with Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY)
Who's the World's No. 1 Producer of CO2?
Somalia Needs a 'Reconciliation Readiness' Program
Moran on Guantanamo: An Interview with Congressman James Moran (D-VA)
Chomsky on India-Pakistan Relations
America's Cultures of Violence: An Interview with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
Chomsky Takes on the World (Bank)
American Heroics Needed in Pakistan
Bad Behavior Brings Good Results
How the U.S. Congress Will Respond to Abdallah's Call for ME Peace: An Interview with Congresswoman Lois Capps (D-CA)
Memo to the Somali Government
Turning a Blind Eye to Egypt Gives U.S. Black Eye in Region
Rep. DeFazio: Don’t Attack Iran: An Interview with Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
Rep. Kucinich: Stop Funding the War: An Interview with Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
Ron Paul on War, Peace and the News Media: An Interview with Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)
Improving US and Arab World Relations: An Interview with Kennedy Center President Michael Kaiser
Going Green
The U.S. Must Engage Somalia Now Before the Horn Blows
Back to the Stone Age
The Arab League Has Failed to "Fulfill the Hopes and Expectations" of Somalia
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