Ernest Ogbozor, S-CAR PhD Student
Ernest Ogbozor, S-CAR PhD Student
Ernest Ogbozor is a Nigerian national with more than a decade of experience working for humanitarian organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Nigeria. Ernest was drawn to the humanitarian sector because he wanted to help ease the burden on individuals who were fleeing conflict zones just as some humanitarian aid workers had done for his parents during the Biafra war that essentially ensured their survival. Through his dedication to his work, the Ford Foundation recognized his efforts and he gained a scholarship to attend Brandeis University to enhance his managerial skills in the humanitarian field.
Unfortunately for Ernest after he left Nigeria, the conflicts that were taking place in the country escalated to that of terrorist acts and this put many of his colleagues working in the humanitarian sector in Nigeria in jeopardy. This development bothered him because on one hand, it was not safe for aid workers to go about their activities; on the other hand, the service they provided was essential and beneficial to many individuals who were dependant on their work. This quandary eventually led him to dicover the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. “I was especially drawn to the programs that were being offered because they approached the field from a comprehensive perspective that first looked to analyze the issues from all sides before identifying multiple solutions to address them,” Ernest noted. This multiplicity was what he was looking for, as he could now link his professional experience to the new developments that were taking place on the ground in Nigeria and to seek a solution to his dilemma.
Ernest is pursuing his PhD at S-CAR and he is planning to write his dissertation on humanitarian aid workers within the context of terrorism. He has already convened a number of conferences to explore this topic.
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