Jackie Finch, S-CAR Career Advisement Services
Jackie Finch, S-CAR Career Advisement Services
To better serve its students and community, S-CAR is welcoming a new addition to its team. With more than ten years of experience, Jackie Finch has joined S-CAR as a career counselor. She first obtained her bachelor’s degree in social work and later on got her Master’s degree in counseling and guidance. Education has always been one of her passions and she has worked in many American schools as a career and academic counselor. Her experiences, though, are not limited to counseling students. Due to her husband’s career, she also had to go through job searches numerous times. Originally from Chicago, IL., she sees herself as "a citizen of everywhere," especially because her husband’s employment has pushed her and her family to reside all over the U.S. Therefore, what she is bringing is first-hand experience, and her knowledge of the job market and employers’ expectations.
To improve students’ opportunities to enter the competitive job market, Jackie offers diverse workshops on resume-building and cover letter writing, portfolio, life planning, job search strategies, and so on. Her office hours are Tuesdays to Thursday, from 11am to 6pm.
A mother of four daughters and grandmother of three, Jackie is a life enthusiast. After 34 years of marriage, she believes that life is about love. Her mantra is “Do what you love and love what you do.” In her free time, she loves yoga, art, cooking, and traveling. She loves watching movies and NCIS (over and over). We welcome her to S-CAR with her extremely positive attitude.