Maneshka Eliatamby
Maneshka Eliatamby is Senior Vice President and Chief Program Officer at Communities Without Boundaries International, Inc. Dr. Eliatamby has over twelve years of experience working as a practitioner turned practicing-scholar in the fields of peacebuilding and development, focusing on nonviolence and peacebuilding education, conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding and development, youth and women.
She is co-editor and author of the book Women Waging War & Peace (Continuum Press, 2011). Maneshka’s other book publications include Peacemaking and the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr co-authored with Johnny J. Mack in Peacemaking: A Comprehensive Theory and Practice Reference (ABC-Clio, 2011). Her other publications have appeared in the Africa Peace & Conflict Journal and USAID publications. She is currently working on several other books, including After the Gunfire: Nonviolent Approaches to DDRR . Maneshka Eliatamby teaches conflict resolution and peacebuilding at the graduate and under graduate degree programs at the School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution (previously the Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution) at George Mason University in Virginia, and guest lectures at a number of other universities, including American University in Washington, DC. She has also carried out extensive nonviolence and peacebuilding education and training activities in the Balkans, East Africa, South Asia, and the United States.
Maneshka is a Founding Director of Reconcile and Rebuild Sri Lanka, and Director of the Center for Peacebuilding International in Washington, DC. She was previously Director of Research, Education, and Training at Realizing the Dream, Inc. and The Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, Georgia. During her work with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, she was involved in post-conflict and genocide prevention work related to Rwanda, Darfur, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Srebenica. Her work has taken her to several active conflict and post-conflict zones including the Balkans and South Asia, her expertise gained through extensive research and hands-on practice and work in the field. She has carried out mediation and facilitation of peacebuilding dialogue in a number of inter-ethnic and community dialogue processes. Maneshka began her career at KPMG, where she conducted consultancies with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), The United Nations Fund for Population Activity (UNFPA), and the banking sector.
Maneshka Eliatamby holds a PhD in Conflict Analysis & Resolution at S-CAR, and is the recipient of numerous fellowships and scholarships, including, George Mason Provost Fellowship, The Hunt Inclusive Security Fellowship, Mahbub al Haq Fellowship, Drucie French Cumbie Fellowship, and Brenda Rubenstein Memorial Scholarship.
Maneshka Eliatamby is Senior Vice President and Chief Program Officer at Communities Without Boundaries International, Inc. Dr. Eliatamby has over twelve years of experience working as a practitioner turned practicing-scholar in the fields of peacebuilding and development, focusing on nonviolence and peacebuilding education, conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding and development, youth and women.
She is co-editor and author of the book Women Waging War & Peace (Continuum Press, 2011). Maneshka’s other book publications include Peacemaking and the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr co-authored with Johnny J. Mack in Peacemaking: A Comprehensive Theory and Practice Reference (ABC-Clio, 2011). Her other publications have appeared in the Africa Peace & Conflict Journal and USAID publications. She is currently working on several other books, including After the Gunfire: Nonviolent Approaches to DDRR . Maneshka Eliatamby teaches conflict resolution and peacebuilding at the graduate and under graduate degree programs at the School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution (previously the Institute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution) at George Mason University in Virginia, and guest lectures at a number of other universities, including American University in Washington, DC. She has also carried out extensive nonviolence and peacebuilding education and training activities in the Balkans, East Africa, South Asia, and the United States.
Maneshka is a Founding Director of Reconcile and Rebuild Sri Lanka, and Director of the Center for Peacebuilding International in Washington, DC. She was previously Director of Research, Education, and Training at Real

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