Beyond Zero Tolerance: Restorative Justice In Schools

Radio Broadcast
Beyond Zero Tolerance: Restorative Justice In Schools
Published Date: December 09, 2015
Featuring: Arthur Romano
Topics of Interest: Education, Justice, Youth

The brutal arrest of a South Carolina high school student this fall, and threats of violence on campuses around the country, have refocused attention on how schools discipline students and mete out punishment. With statistics pointing to continued racial gaps in suspension and expulsion rates, schools are turning toward “restorative justice” as a way to resolve conflicts, build a sense of community, and keep kids in school. Kojo explores how restorative justice works in one local school system, finds out how it helps keep peace in — and outside — the classroom, and discusses its impact on the “school-to-prison” pipeline.


  • Arthur Romano Assistant Professor, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
  • Vickie Shoap Restorative Justice Specialist, Fairfax County Public Schools
  • Jonathan Stith Founder and National Coordinator, Alliance for Educational Justice
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