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Topic of interest Newspaper Articles
What Would MLK Think of America’s Modern Wars?
Africa Needs More from Obama than Promises
Why Qaddafi's Death Is Significant
How I learned to forgive my brother’s murderers
The Dangers of Soft Power: Government backed cultural programs often come across as just propaganda
Unclenched Fists
Obama must stand up to Netanyahu on Israeli settler violence
Future of Crimean Tartar Muslims Hangs in the Balance
Could ‘Insight Policing’ have saved Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray and others?
George Mason University Partners With an African Nonprofit Organization- 72Africa
Why Washington is wrong to impose visa suspension on Iraqis
Horizon that is always receding
Palestine: Still key to stability in the Middle East
Why U.S. Could Opt For 'Zero Option' In Afghanistan
Terrorism and Development
Questions must be about gun safety
Community Activists Question Timing Of Grand Jury Announcement
Arts and Peacebuilding
Social media project addresses extremist violence at home and abroad
New Grad ‘Ecstatic’ with Peace Corps Posting to Mozambique
U.S. Military Interventionism Has Harmed Iraq Dearly
"We Are Not Like Them": Itamar Massacre Activates A Dangerous Israeli-Jewish Ethnocentrism
As New Threats Emerge, U.S. Closes Drone Base in Ethiopia
Why the White House Won't Win the Afghanistan War
To finally see the invisible Israelis before our eyes
Conflict and the Consequences of Isolation: A Comparative Study
Police should put away the military gear and build connections with young people
Police Should Put Away the Military Gear and Build Connections with Young People
Beijing Encroaching on Moscow’s Military Dominance in Tajikistan
The only way forward on Syria
Why I'm Going to Yemen
Mason experts explain how ISIS attacks are recruitment tools
Reimagining Transitional Justice in Bali
7 Ways Obama's U.N. Speech Revealed His Inconsistent Foreign Policy
Next Up in Somalia’s Fragile Transition: Bridge Political Divides
Lack of US-Syria Diplomacy Leads to Dangerous Isolation
Who to Blame for the Absence of a Kurdish State after Sykes Picot?
Rwanda- A Country Still in Need
Chattanooga: on the need to fight terror with reason
A camp for young people touched by terror
Nigeria: A Network That Reconnects North With Sardauna's Biographer John Paden
On “The Mystery of Capital”
What Secretary Clinton Does Not Recognize About Egypt’s Anti-Regime Protests
10 Syria Questions for John Kerry and Chuck Hagel
The Audacity of Air Strikes and Secret Deals: Just making Isis grow stronger?
Measuring the cost of violence
An Interview with Dr. Tetsushi Ogata
Obama’s local, international obstacles on Syria
The ISIS takeover of Ramadi means hard choices face the Iraqi and US governments
Next Steps in Syria
Ukraine Diplomatic Deal: Necessary Next Steps
The Ghailani Verdict - Susan Hirsch featured in the New York Times
USIP Awards Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowships and Peace Scholarships for 2015-2016
Washington Area Students Weigh in on South Sudan Conflict
Why we should keep out of Somalia’s affairs
Palestine's Right to Defend Itself
On 10th Anniversary of Afghan War, Time to Exit Militarized US Foreign Policy
Girls released from Boko Haram captivity rejected by society - new report
Defense Department in Somalia
Turkey's Best Asset to Tackle ISIS: Ankara or America?
The anatomy of an anti-Taliban uprising
Sorting Out Our Options in Afghanistan
Colombia's Inminent Peace Agreement: A Brief Analysis of What the Agreement is, What is Next and What is Missing
Egypt’s Street Children, Aya Hijazi, and Me
Aziz Abu Sarah Named National Geographic Emerging Explorer
Nimr Al Nimr: Anatomy of a Man
Women in Combat
How to fix our police departments
9 Costs of Drone Strikes
Addressing divide between communities and police
Bartoli & Shirch featured in the Echo Press: Commentary - A perspective on peace for the season
Do military women want combat jobs? The survey numbers say yes — and so do more than 9,000 combat action badges
Confronting genocide in Myanmar: The urgent need to prevent and protect
To stop sexual assault against women in the US military, add more women
Rethinking transitions: finding the pathway from military to community security
Even a weakened Libya can avoid civil war
Sarajevo: Memories of war
Conflict-sensitive Repatriation: Lessons from Displaced Communities in North-eastern Nigeria
Militarization of U.S. Police Forces
Myanmar Fighting Poses Dilemma for China
Bringing Eritrea In From The Cold
Teach, model, grow and live in empathy to build world peace, says interfaith expert Marc Gopin at Frontier Luncheon
Can Obama Influence Ethiopia on Human Rights, Democracy?
The Ottoman Experience in Mosul, Then and Now
Stop atrocities before they start
Transforming a Nation
How Climate Change Sparked the Crisis in Syria
Breakdown in Yemen
The U.S. Afghanistan Strategy Is Failing and It's Time to Pull Out
Is the Spirit of Sykes-Picot Still Alive in the Middle East after a Century?
Bosnia Back on the Brink: Ukraine can learn from Bosnia's failed socioeconomic policies
Charleston Shootings: The Intersection Of Race And Gender
In fighting gangs, US should look to El Salvador
Politics and Language: Dimension Beyond Words
What will Rep. Dennis Kucinich's legacy be?
Palestinian Child Attackers Are Victims, Not Terrorists
Don't let Yemen turn into Syria: Column
Ethiopia’s Muslim Activists Pave a Path for Nonviolent Political Activism
Man-to-man chat can avert disaster
Afghan civil society calls for just peace
Iran's Election Win Warrants U.S. Sanctions Rethink
Libya: A failed state or a failed government?
Politics Unusual
These fiscal cliff hawks ought to be foreign policy doves
Crimean Tatars Fear for Their Safety After Crimea’s Annexation to Russia
Experts Say There Will Be No Contest in Ethiopia's Upcoming Vote
Israelis and Palestinians -- rage, fear and misunderstanding
It's the Arab spring for dictators
Civilian Devastation During War Explored in ‘Why They Die’
Analysis: Progressive policies provide answer for Sanders’ foreign policy gap
Genocide or Terrorism? Transnational Advocacy and the Ogaden Conflict
Saudi in Yemen; It’s personal now
We must make anti-bullying a mainstream message
5 Ways We Should Radically Reconsider War
Data show drone attacks doomed to fail against ISIS in Syria
خبير في النزاعات الدولية: ترامب سيبيع الورقة السورية لبوتين (حوار)
Armenian, Azeri experts' Karabakh settlement recommendations
The U.S. Is No. 1 In Global Arms Sales
Regionalization of Conflict and Opportunities for Peace in the Horn of Africa
Working for world peace here at home
No Iran deal, but significant progress in Geneva
Africa: Can January Makamba Be the Next President of Tanzania?
Coup-Speak Speaking
The Impact of the Syrian Civil War on Identity Groups in Turkey
Yemen: Ripe for a solution?
Resolute in uncertain times: peacebuilding in the new US administration
Learning from SIGIR's Final Report on Iraq Reconstruction
How to Pull Yemen Back from the Edge
Mason student starts ‘sustainable, reproducible’ businesses in war zones
‘Don’t Disturb The Peace’: Post-Conflict Politics In Aceh, Indonesia
Drowning the Arab Spring in Gulf Oil
A Palestinian’s journey from stone-throwing to conflict resolution
When soldiers commit murder
Hillary Clinton’s Response to the Pulse Orlando Shootings
Crimean Tatars fear exile again
Deadly challenge of keeping Syria health-care workers safe
Congressmen urge Egypt to release Virginia woman from jail
Female soldiers fight Pentagon in court for combat positions
Education in Tanzania: Losing the Future
Peshmerga-Iraqi forces united over Mosul, but can this last?
If America wants Assad to respect international law, it must respect it, too
Police Militarization Must Be Halted
Candidates should address cost of violence in primary states
التدخل الروسي أوقف انهيار النظام السوري مؤقتاً
Small town America shouldn't resemble war zone
Evolving policy in a changing world: Examining challenges and opportunities in the new US Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review
Tackling the most grave and serious global security threats
S-CAR Class Inspires Landmark Lawsuit
Sudan, after the breakup: Can violence be prevented?
Europe’s Migration Crisis: Causes and Cures
Iraqi Kurdistan fears Maliki returning to power
Our moral obligations in Somalia
What can Washington do about militarized police forces?
Can the Tribes of NATO help the Tribes of Afghanistan?
We can only hope that the cerebral will get the better of the visceral
U.S. Soldiers in Somalia and the Pentagon's Unlearned Lessons
Insights Obama can now use to undermine Putin’s narrative
An 'Afghan Summer' of revolt - Part 2
Soldiers Into Students: Veterans, Educators Try to Ease Transition
Religion and Power Moving Forward into the Twenty-First Century
Meryl Streep is right; bullying hurts us all
The costly errors of America's wars
Academics & Activists Discuss Poverty, Inequality, Conflict
Women in combat: US military on verge of making it official
Voices: In midst of war, life goes on for Syrian kids
Anticipating the Syria of Tomorrow: Strategies to Decrease Violence Against Innocents
A look at the American 'Countering Violent Extremism' strategy
Germany Tells NATO, Russia To Dialogue Before Things Get 'Completely Out Of Control'
A col.’s view of commander’s authority
Sorry, Aung San Suu Kyi, the Rohingya Crisis Is No Laughing Matter
How U.S. War Funds Get Wasted ... And How to Stop It
Saudi rejects foreign interference in Iraq, blames ‘sectarian’ Maliki | Reuters
Why defeating ISIS with military might is starry eyed idealism
Japan’s Remilitarization, Beating Ploughshares into Swords
The 2017 Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate: Is ISIS an Existential Threat to the United States?
Counter-Revolutions and Evolutions: Lessons of Egypt and Iran
Peace-maker: We must look below the surface
How a glacier could thaw dangerous India and Pakistan freeze
The Future of Kurdistan, Between Unity and Balkanization
Obama Arrives in Kenya, on Personal and Official Journey
Denied Victimhood and Contested Narratives: The Case of Hutu Diaspora
Military spending is not right way to boost America's economic security
Needed: Social Engineering?
Why water is key to Syria conflict
9/11 Forever (and Ever)
Catching Kony
Using hip-hop to resolve global conflict
China’s Puzzling ADIZ Decision Making
Slavery and Climate – There's More in Common Than You Think, Vatican Says
In fighting gangs, US should look to El Salvador
Do We Need Dictatorship?
Holy Land tours a new tool in peacebuilding
كاتبة فلسطينية تعيش في واشنطن: أطفالنا ضحايا وليسوا إرهابيين
Dumping Military Kit on Cops Makes Main Street a War Zone
Syria Needs Real Help, Not American Bombs
Stop the ISIS War Before It Gets Worse!
A peace dividend we should all want
The Syrian Revolution Is Not a Holy War
Time to write the rules for cyber and drone challenges
Post-Election Ferguson: Bipartisan Congress to Demilitarize Police
‘Lincoln’: Where was Frederick Douglass?
Crimean Crisis Escalates Further
America cannot afford such inequality
I Was a Palestinian Stone-thrower. Here's Why I Stopped
‘Strength through peace – not peace through strength’: a reaction to Trump’s America First foreign policy
Palestinian, Jew give both sides on joint Jerusalem tours
Lingering Questions Surround Geneva III
'Ceasefire' Is the Syria Word We Need to Hear
CPCS Hosted Conference in Washington D.C.
In Oak Creek, Wis., hearts open to Sikhs after temple shooting
Ahmadinejad - Incitement Deserves Indictment
Mason Partners with Ghana-based African Peace Building Organization
Boarding the Train for a Trip into the Past
Aziz Abu Sarah is a Tour Guide
UN Small Arms Conference: Evaluation and Prospects
Fuel for extremism is beyond Bin Laden, EMU prof says
If You Want Revenge for 9/11, Don't Look to the Kids Who Lost A Parent
Suffolk reservist sues over ban on women in combat
Students discuss effects of Charlie Hebdo shooting
Gilbert gunman's rampage sheds light on extremism: Immigration issue is a beacon to neo-Nazis
Cure Police Violence As If It Were a Disease
Mason Student Strives to Bring Peace Before Dangerous African Presidential Vote
Conflict resolution workshop benefits Patriots and participants
Conflict Analysis and Resolution Students Named Boren Fellows
A Peacebuilding Travel Log
Fayetteville Charity Helps African Group
Firing Up Kurdish Nationalism in Iraq
America's police are looking more and more like the military
Dialogue, satire and the attack on Charlie Hebdo
Bringing Florida to Justice, Not Just George Zimmerman
We're Unfair to Draft-Card Burners
Women-in-Combat Plaintiff to Present Keynote at Gender and Conflict Center Reception
The World Does Not Need a Jewish Ann Coulter: An Open Letter To Ben Shapiro.
The highest high and the lowest low: Colombian’s NO to the peace agreement or how to deeply hurt hope in 24 hours or less
Awakening the Demons: There is no Arab Spring coming to Iraq. But sectarian protests could tear this fragile country apart.
Explosion of the Sacred
Producing solutions by appreciating the interconnections
Press Pause on the Rush to War
Tanzanian President’s Former Aide Plans Bid to Succeed Him
Divide and conquer negotiations
Six leading Libyan women dominate Virginia conference on Libya
Women’s Exclusion Worsens Somali Crises
Ethiopian Ruling Coalition Wins Majority of Parliament Seats
Is Yemen’s power struggle over?
When Radio Goes Bad: RF communications and the increased violence in South Sudan
Seeking Opportunities for Intervention: One woman’s efforts to positively influence inner-city youth: Interview with Mary Wade
ISIS attacks fueled by illegal guns and open societies we can’t afford to lose
Why Did Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Go to Iraq?
Somalia on the Brink
Stop Treating America Like a War Zone: Congress must stop the militarization of America's police forces
Vision Series: Sandra Cheldelin to Discuss Women and Conflict
Couple Spend Their Wedding Money on Street Children, End up in an Egyptian Prison
We gain more than we lose in the Iran nuclear deal [Commentary]
How Belgraders Remember the NATO Bombings
A Silver Lining to the Film and Riots Tragedy: Freedom, Diversity, and the New Competition for Arab Public Space
Bible Texts Misused in Rumsfeld Reports, Religious Leaders Say
The Russian Military Intervention in Syria; Is This Really a Concern for the U.S.?
Feckless on Foreign Policy
Want to cut big government abuses? Start with defence contracting
Administrative Referendum: A wakeup call for the ethno-political conflict in Darfur
Women sue Pentagon over combat exclusion
Will Saudi Arabia's 'Operation Decisive Storm' restore order in Yemen?
Why the Gun Control Debate Doesn't Do Justice to Colorado Killings
Nato should negotiate a security structure that includes Russia
As China’s Economy Falters, Military Parade Offers Chance to Burnish Image
Expect Resource Wars With Exxon CEO At State Helm
Bribes, money hidden in teddy bears: welcome to US spending in Afghanistan
Beware Libya’s ‘Fair Dictator’
Maltese neutrality still a brilliant idea
Riyadh Conference: What Makes It Different?
Tariq Ramadan in Chicago's Holocaust Museum
Afghan Security Forces Pass First Test, But Questions Remain
Hutu Diaspora Narrative: Identity in Conflict, Conflict of Identity
Violence and violence-containment's $460 billion price tag
The Obama administration ignores an American imprisoned in Egypt
Insight Policing and the Role of the Civilian in Police Accountability
When Contested Narratives of Identity and Victimhood are Victims of Politics
America Must Rethink the War on Terror: The Authorization for Use of Military Force needs to be modified to avoid mission creep
Election campaigns and the politics of performance
Obama’s speech was more of the same - and not what we needed
Why can’t America just take out Assad?
To stop al-Shabab, help Somali people
Yemen’s a Model All Right—For Disaster
Afghan-U.S. relations damaged by shooting: analyst
Keeping Iran and Saudi Arabia From War
Rwanda: Opening the door to dialogue (Claudine Kuradusenge)
Syrian Ramadan at the Edge of War
Fragility Needs Innovative Development Financing
Preventing gang violence in San Diego
Roads: Getting Them Done
Ghailani Trial and Sentence Affirms US Federal Court System
Prevention better than punitive in Syria
Bosnia: Stabilization Stalled in Negative Peace
What My Amish and Mennonite Forefathers Would Think About My Job in Congress (and Why I Left)
Graduate students spend spring break with Syrian refugees
Sign a Drone Treaty Before Everyone Does as We Do
As Ethiopia votes, what’s ‘free and fair’ got to do with it?
Obama making up drone rules as he goes
Overnight Crimean Crisis Hits Stalemate
Unite, Confuse, and Inspire: A Response to the Rise of Racism in Israel
'Delenda Carthago': ISIS, threat and recovery
The inclusion of women in the peacemaking process
How to stop Libya becoming another Iraq
Republican Reasoning: Why 2008 Was the Year for Occupying and Protesting Wall Street
Halep'in geleceği ve Türkiye'nin güvenliği
Somalia Needs a War on Poverty
Confederate flag: hatred or heritage?
Mass shootings show need for gun law reform
The Search for the ‘Why’ of Fort Hood
Settler Terrorism -- An American Problem
Arab Americans Organize with the ANSWER Coalition to Protest Trump Inauguration
A Local First approach to early warning and response
Peace is profitable: time for the US to invest
For young adults who lost parents on Sept. 11, a hope for peace
Why Army women are demanding the right to fight — and die — in combat
Syria's Next Generation
Invest in the Afghan people not foreign contractors
Meet Nousha Kabawat and her unstoppable drive to help Syria’s displaced children thrive
US Navy Seals plan to accept women after female soldiers graduate as rangers
The Time For Leadership To Protect All Civilians Across Syria
In the Army, sex discrimination begins at West Point
Dear Congress: Take Your Power Back
The Emperor’s new clothes – bluster in the GOP
ما هي خلفية اشتعال القومية الكردية في العراق؟
In Afghanistan, end the fighting and stop the meddling
What Aziz Abu Sarah learned in Hebrew school
What the Killing of Trayvon Martin Means for Maryland
My Turkish Airport
Displaced by Genocide, Mason Student Plans to Help Other Refugees
Activists: Release of Detainees in Syria Crucial to Peace Process
Darfur Donor Conference: A Park for a Deadly Conflict
Civility: The Way We Drive
Motives of suicide terrorists
Options for Action in Syria
Managing the Madness in the Middle East
New Virginia gun law will boost violence, costs
Our Military Shouldn’t Turn Its Back on Servicewomen Who Need an Abortion
Affirmative Action for Somalia
The Saudis and the Iranians Need to Talk: And we need to make it happen
Sandy Hook shootings: We need to focus on more than just gun control
The Politics of Bongo Flava
Tragedy & Triumph
A third intifada is inevitable unless Israel changes course
Lawmakers in Washington increasingly concerned about Ethiopia
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Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
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Insight Conflict Resolution Program
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