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Topic of interest Journal Articles
Measuring Peace: Comparability, Commensurability, and Complementarity Using Bottom-Up Indicators
Do Reparations Repair Relationships? Setting the Stage for Reconciliation in Colombia
Narrative Reconciliation as Rights Based Peace Praxis: Custodial Torture, Testimonial Therapy, and Overcoming Marginalization
Documentary Filmmakers: Bridging Practice and Scholarship in Peacebuilding
PeaceTech: The Liminal Spaces of Digital Technology in Peacebuilding
Migrant-Led Integration as Peacebuilding: Forging New Alliances Among Third Country Nationals in Malta
Memories and Narratives of the 1999 NATO Bombing in Serbia
Hutus Aiding Tutsis During the Rwandan Genocide: Motives, Meanings and Morals
Denied Victimhood and Contested Narratives: The Case of Hutu Diaspora
Communicating Stability: Managing the Regulatory Process to Maximize Communication Infrastructure for Peacebuilding
Who tells the story of war and peace: international actors, national elites or local actors?
Donors and De Facto States: A Case Study of Un Peacebuilding in the Self-Declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
From Victorious Rebels to Strong Authoritarian Parties: Prospects for Post-war Democratization
Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict
Peace Agreement is the Same Game for War and its Escalation in Sudan
Instilling Hope for Peace During Intractable Conflicts
Beyond Youth ‘Inclusion’: Intergenerational Politics In Post-Conflict Bali
Successful Peace Implementation: Plans and Processes
Book Review- The Nature of Intractable Conflict: Resolution in the twenty-first century
Revising the Battle of the Narrative
Unstructured Daily Encounters: Serbs in Kosovo after the 2008 Declaration of Independence
Coherence Co-constructed: Using Coherence for Analysis and Transformation of Social Conflicts
Exploring the Nature of Narrative Analysis in Maps: the Case Study of the Georgia-South Ossetia Conflict
Vote choice and legacies of violence: evidence from the 2014 Colombian presidential elections
Pakistan: National Security Dilemmas and Transition to Democracy
Alternative calendars and memory work in Serbia: Anti-war activism after Milošević
Engaging Conflict History: Toward an Integrated Method of Conflict Resolution Dialogue and Capacity Building
Debriefing in peacemaking and conflict resolution practice: models of emergent learning and practitioner support
The Challenging Dynamics of Global North-South Peacebuilding Partnerships: Practitioner Stories From the Field
Smart Phones and Social Bonds: Communication Technology and Inter-Ethnic Cooperation in Kenya
Book Review: Christopher R. Mitchell and Landon E. Hancock (eds.), Local Peacebuilding and National Peace: Interaction Between Grassroots and Elite Processes
Peacebuilding in Fragile African States: The Case for Private Sector Involvement
Narratives of Identity in the Northern Irish Troubles
Modeling Negotiation Using “Narrative Grammar”: Exploring the Evolution of Meaning in a Simulated Negotiation
Restorative Justice as Reflective Practice and Applied Pedagogy on College Campuses
Narrative “Braiding” and the Role of Public Officials in Transforming the Public’s Conflicts
Reparations and Peacebuilding: Issues and Controversies
Must Our Communities Bleed to Receive Social Services? Development projects and collective reparations schemes in colombia
Cross-Regional Comparisons: The Arab Uprisings as Political Transitions and Social Movements
Why should We Talk to People Who Do Not Want to Talk to Us? Inter-Caste Dialogue as Response to Caste-Based Marginalization (pages 237–262)
Reasons for Hope in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Localising Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone: What Does it Mean
Peace Through Economic Opportunity, Cross-Cultural Understanding and Public-Private Partnership
Building peace: practical reflections from the field
Book Review: Crafting an African security architecture: Addressing regional peace and conflict in the 21st century
Integrating Principles and Practices of Customary Law, Conflict Transformation and Restorative Justice in Somaliland
The Pathway Between Conflict And Reconciliation: Coexistence As An Evolutionary Process
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Problems in Transitional Justice and the Reconstruction of Identity
Escalation and De-escalation in Asymmetric Conflict
Civil Society and Peacebuilding: Mapping Functions in Working for Peace
Financing the Peace: Evaluating World Bank Post-Conflict Assistance Programs
Old Wounds, New Narratives: Joint History Textbook Writing and Peacebuilding in East Asia
Muslim Peace-Building Actors in Africa and the Balkan Context: Challenges and Needs
History Education and Social Identity
Trauma Sensitive Peace-Building: Lessons for Theory and Practice
Facilitating Between Gang Members and Police
Writing Ethnography after Tragedy: Toward Therapeutic Transformations. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 30.1, 2007.
“Professors Are More Religious Than Some Might Assume, Survey Finds”
Ethical Theory as Social Practice
A Developmental Approach to Turning Points
Teaching peace: a dialogue on the Montessori method
We Make Friends with Our Enemies
Negotiating in a Coordination Network of Citizen Peacebuilding Initiatives in the Georgian-Abkhaz Peace Process
Coordination in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
Coordination in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Perspectives from Scholars and Practitioners Involved with the AFP
Conflict Prevention in the International Sphere
Culture, Apology, and International Negotiation: The Case of the Sino-U.S. "Spy Plane" Crisis
Context and Pretext in Conflict Resulation
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Challenges for American Third Party Intervenors
Book Review: Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Revisiting a Global Shift From Ethnic Warfare to the Politics of Accommodation
Peace and the Internet
The Power of Participation: Language and Gender in Tanzanian Law Reform Campaigns
The Epistemology of a Spectrometer
Have Gavel, Will Travel: Dispute Resolution's Innocents Abroad
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: A Review Essay and Annotated Bibliography
Religion and International Relations at the Crossroads
Principles of Islamic Interpersonal Conflict Intervention
Pronouncing and Persevering: Gender and the Discourse of Disputing in an African Islamic Court
Gestures of Conciliation: Factors Contributing to Successful Olive Branches
An analysis of integrative outcomes in the Dayton peace negotiations
Reconnecting Systems Maintenance with Social Justice: A Critical Role for Conflict Resolution
The Crisis of Minorities in Ethnic States: The Case of Palestinian Citizens in Israel
An Orthodox Embrace of Gentiles? Interfaith Tolerance in the Thought of S. D. Luzzatto and E. Benamozegh
Naming Resistance: Ethnographers, Dissidents, and States
Developing Conflct Resolution in Transcaucasia: A university-based approach
Identifying Violence, Pledging Peace
Generalizations and Practical Applications
Local Peace Zones as Institutionalized Conflict
The Lessons of Somalia for Eastern Zaire
Escalation in Response to Persistent Annoyance: Groups Versus Individuals and Gender Effects
The Domestication of Violence in Mediation
"Building Consensus For Racial Harmony in American Cities: A Case Model Approach"
The Effects of Resource Shortage on De-Escalation in a Simulated Price War
Timing Disclosure Sessions: Adding a Narrative Perspective to Clinical Work with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Perception of Power, Threat, and Conflict Intensity in Asymmetric Intergroup Conflict: Arab and Jewish Citizens of Israel
Mediating Regional Conflicts and Negotiating Flexibility: Peace Effort in Bosnia-Herzegovina
The Blue Helmets: A Review of United Nations Peace-Keeping
"Theories of Responsibility": The Social Construction of Intentions in Mediation.
Interpreting Media Representations of " A Night of Madness"
Next Steps in Somalia
Making Culture, and Its Costs -- Nationalist Ideologies and the Production of National Cultures / Minorities in the Middle: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
Negotiation and Mediation
Practice and Paradox: Deconstructing Neutrality in Mediation
Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Resolution
The Concept of Power in Family Therapy: Toward a Hegemonic Analysis of Discourse
Solutions Not Winners
The Emergence of Ethnicity in Israel
On the "Traditionalization" of Social Identity: American Immigrants to Israel
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Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
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