

 Wed, 05/13/2009 - 21:32

Local Zones of Peace: General Survey and Map; Associations 
Official Title: Asociacion de Municipios del Alto Ariari.
Departamento: Meta
Municipal Members/Settlements: 7 municipios; El Dorado, El Castillo, Lejanais, Cubarral, San Martin, Guamal and Fuente de Oro
Overall Population:
Location: In west of Department along the upper reaches of the R.Ariari . 
Ethnic mix:
IDP population:
Date of establishment: Dec. 1998
Traditional political affiliation: Mixed; some municipios traditionally Liberal, others strongly Conservative
Trigger event[s]: In 1986 the murder of a prominent figure in El Dorado by the FARC sparked off 10 years of renewed inter-municipio violence, leading to widespread disillusion with violence and a search for some form of accommodation and joint economic development.
Persons/organisations involved in establishment:
Leadership: Mayors of El Castillo and El Dorado.
Declared objectives:
Relations with departmental  government bodies
Governor’s office: Strong support from Governor’s office.
National government departments:
Memberships of regional or national organisations:
Organisational structure:
 Plenary meetings:
 Decision making bodies
 Functional committees.
Valued goods produced in region:
Local armed actors in the region:
 Armed forces:   
Arrangements with L.A.A.s
Significant events: Awarded National Peace Prize in 2002.
Further comments: Since La Violencia, region has a long history of past rivalry and open warfare between municipios with different political loyalties
Last Updated:

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