Wed, 05/13/2009 - 21:25
ATCC: La India
Official Title: Asociacion de Trabajadores Campesinos del Carare
Departamento: Santander
Municipal Members/Settlements: La India, a corregimiento in the municipio de Landaruzi.
Overall Population: In 1987 population was c7,000; by 2002 this had declined to c3,500.
Ethnic mix:
IDP population:
Date of establishment: May 1987
Traditional political affiliation:
Trigger event[s]: Public meeting called by local military commander at which local campesinos were confronted with the choice of leaving, staying and being killed or allying themselves with military and local para-militaries
Persons/organisations involved in establishment: Mainly local peasant leaders, esp. Josue Vargas.
Declared objectives:
Relations with departmental government bodies
Governor’s office:
National government departments:
Memberships of regional or national organisations:
Organisational structure:
Plenary meetings:
Decision making bodies
Functional committees.
Valued goods produced in region: In the 1950s region saw (1) the start of exploitation of timber, (2) in the later period, oil exploration led to the expropriation of peasant lands and (3) extensive cattle raising..
Local armed actors in the region:
Armed forces: Army established control of urban areas by mid 1970s.
Paramilitaries: Paramilitaries entered area in 1980s with aim of eradicating guerrillas
Guerrillas: Short incursion by ELN in the 1960’s ended by military action. 4th Frente of FARC consolidated control over the area in 1970s
Arrangements with L.A.A.s
Significant events: In 1990 3 key community leaders plus a BBC reporter were assassinated “by mistake” by local paramilitaries. In the same year the community was awarded the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize and the Right Livelihood Award and in 1995 it gained the UN Community Award.
Further comments: “La India” was one of the first, if not the first, grassroots peace community in Colombia. It has survived, drawn in numbers of other groups and individuals seeking sanctuary, and served as an example for other communities.
Contacts: ATCC, Aparta de Postal 146, La India, Dep.Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia.
Last Updated:
Local Peace-building Working Group
Dr. Christopher Mitchell has reconstituted the Zones of Peace Working Group under under a new title and with a broader focus. For more information, read the letter from Dr. Mitchell and check out the links below.
Newsletter Article: Analyzing Civil War and Local Peacebuilding at S-CAR
Students may request to join the group on the S-CAR Network