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Academic Publications - Security
Measuring Peace: Comparability, Commensurability, and Complementarity Using Bottom-Up Indicators
Resolving Structural Conflicts: How Violent Systems Can Be Transformed
Past is Prologue: Abroad in Syria with the Ghosts of Iraq
Resilience to Violent Extremism: The Rural Livelihood Coping Strategies in the Lake Chad Basin
Healing the Heart of Conflict: Eight Crucial Steps to Making Peace with Yourself and with Others Revised and Updated
Understanding the Informal Security Sector in Nigeria
Violence, Religion, Peacemaking
Elections in Hard Times: Building Stronger Democracies in the 21st Century
WP227: Causes and Consequence of Violent Extremism in Northeast Nigeria
From Victorious Rebels to Strong Authoritarian Parties: Prospects for Post-war Democratization
Top-down and bottom-up narratives of peace and conflict
Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring
American State-Building in Afghanistan and Its Regional Consequences Achieving Democratic Stability and Balancing China's Influence
Brief Amicus Curiae of U.S. Attorney General vs. Humanitarian Law Project Et Al.
A War to Sustainable Positive Peace Framework: Implications for Operations, Training, & Leader Development
'Bad Blood': Perceptions of children born of conflict-related sexual violence and women and girls associated with Boko Haram in northeast Nigeria
Senate Testimony: The Political and Security Crisis in Burundi
The Process and Partnerships Behind Insight Policing
Room for Containment? The Iran Deal and Neighboring Arab States
Revising the Battle of the Narrative
Building constructive China-US cooperation on peace and security in Africa
Pakistan: National Security Dilemmas and Transition to Democracy
The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader
The Impact of Violent Extremism on Livelihoods in Northeast Nigeria
Book Review: Christopher R. Mitchell and Landon E. Hancock (eds.), Local Peacebuilding and National Peace: Interaction Between Grassroots and Elite Processes
Peacebuilding in Fragile African States: The Case for Private Sector Involvement
Lies, Loss, and Longing
The Advantages and Pitfalls of Leveraging Humanitarian Development and Diplomacy Towards National Security
Global Governance: Rethinking the US Role in Afghanistan Post 2014
Kenya's Neglected IDP's Internal Displacement and Vulnerability of Pastoralist Communities in Northern Kenya
Stalled democracy in Africa : the pitfalls for AU Governance Agenda
Localising Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone: What Does it Mean
Violent Conflict and Peacebuilding: The continuing crisis in Darfur
Civilians and Modern War: Armed Conflict and the Ideology of Violence
Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention in the EU's Neighbourhood: The Case of Ukraine
Book Review: Crafting an African security architecture: Addressing regional peace and conflict in the 21st century
The Handbook On The Political Economy Of War
A New Way Forward: Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan
Post-Conflict Food Security and Peace Building
OSCE Yearbook 2009, Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Global Financial Crisis and Fragile States
Child Soldiers in the Age of Fractured States
Disaggregating the Causal Factors Unique to Child Soldiering
Strengthening Peace in Post-Civil War States: Transforming Spoilers into Stakeholders
The role of tradional leaders in fostering democracy, justice human rights in Zimbabwe
Transnational Advocacy and the Dalit Rights Movement: Secular versus Religious Social Justice Narratives of Assertion on the Frontlines of Global Community
Why Americans fight: Justifications for asymmetric warfare
Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
The Challenge of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
After the Taliban: Life and Security in Rural Afghanistan
Security Disarmed
After the Taliban: life and security in rural Afghanistan
Cutting or Tightening the Gordian Knot? The Future of Kosovo and the Peace Process in the Western Balkans after the Decision on Independence.
The United Nations Security Council in the 1990s: Resurgence and Renewal
Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis
Police Reforms : Global Perspectives
When Terrorism and Counterterrorism Clash: The war on terror and the transformation of terrorist activity
Integration or Autonomy? The Dynamics of Crimean Tatar Repatriation and Its Impact on Regional Security in Central Eurasia (Research Brief)
Approaching or Avoiding Cooperative Security?
Blurring the Lines of Security and Economic Development
Peace and Security in the Postmodern World: The OSCE and Conflict Resolution
Israel-Lebanon Crisis within the Context of Changing Middle East and Turkey’s Role
Development and Security - Interdependent and Interconnected
Human Rights and Conflict: Exploring the Links between Rights, Law, and Peacebuilding
Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict
Complexity in World Politics: Concepts and Methods of a New Paradigm
Corruption and conflict in the South Caucasus
Coordination in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Perspectives from Scholars and Practitioners Involved with the AFP
A conceptual model of counterterrorist operations
From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace -- International Presence in South East Europe
Apocalyptic Terrorism: Understanding the Unfathomable
Development of force allocation rules for urban, rural, and border control in crisis response operations
Terrorism: Concepts, Causes, and Conflict Resolution
The Stability Pact for South East Europe - Dawn of an Era of Regional Co-operation
Religion and Peacemaking
Securing Development: Targeting Aid in Areas of Conflict
This was is about religion, and cannot be won without it
Peace and Conflict Studies: An Introduction
Religious considerations of peace operations: Summary of workshop proceedings
For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest Against Hitler
The Potential of Local Zones of Peace in Moving from Civil War to Civil Society
Africa in the New International Order: Rethinking State Sovereignty and Regional Security
Book Reviews--The United States and Ethiopia: Military Assistance and the Quest for Security, 1953-1993 by Baffour Agyeman-Duah
Cooperative Security: Reducing Third World Wars
Review: The Insecurity Dilemma: National Security of Third World States
Review: Reassessing the Soviet Challenge in Africa
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Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
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