The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Master index
Newsletter Segment
› Nodes of term Commentary
Nodes of term Commentary
A Field Whose Time Has Come
A Framework for Rebuilding Communities in Sri Lanka
A Smooth Transition from Dean Bartoli to Dean Avruch
AfPak: Will the New U.S. Strategy Succeed?
Al Jazeera Forum: "Power, Media, and the Middle East"
American Democracy & Conflict
Barack Obama: A Conflict Resolution Friendly White House?
Bring Back Our Girls!
Bringing Russia and China in from the Cold: Lessons from The Great War
Campus Wars: Reclaiming the Socratic Legacy
Community Justice and Policing: The Role of Conflict Analysis and Resolution Skills
Darfur 2009: The Art of Peacebuilding in Siena
Discriminating Against Minorities with Voting Right Laws
Dramatizing Political Traditions: The Lesson of the 2010 Midterm Elections
Ellen and Jane take on DoD
End Poverty, Protect the Planet, and Ensure Prosperity for All - Part 1
Ethics, Conflict, and Resolution
Ethos of Conflict & the 2015 Israeli Elections
Facilitating Nation Building in Ukraine
Fatah, Hamas and the Future of Palestine
Forgotten and Misunderstood: Social Change in Latin America
Google Earth Democracy
Harold H. (Hal) Saunders (1930-2016)
Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project: ICAR Joins the Carter Center in Opposing Use of the Homeland Security Act to Criminalize Conflict Resolution Activities
Hong Kong's Youth Protests and US Position
ICAR Becomes a School: Reflections on the past and looking to the future
ICAR Loses Cherished Friends: John Burton, Wallace Warfield, Elise Boulding
ICAR Then and Now: The Institute Turns 25 Years Old
Lessons From Brexit for Our American Friends
Mass Incarceration in the United States: Can S-CAR Play a Role in Prison Reform Programs?
Mass Violence and the Media in America
Mediators Beyond Borders: Blaze a Trail in Copenhagen
Memory in Reconciliatory Leadership
Monitoring the 2009 Afghan Elections
Narratives Matter at ICAR: Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Once More unto the Heights: Race, Class and Conflict in America
Past Policies and Continued Predicament of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits
Peace Practice Online in a Time of War
Phased Self-Determination: A Way Out for Kosovo?
Politics and the Social Media in Cambodia
Pope Francis in America: A Biased Perspective
Portrayal of Women in Arab Spring
Preventing Violence in Nigeria’s 2015 Elections
Prisons in the United States: Inmates, Policies, and Profits
Reevaluating the Discussion of Tolerance in the U.S.
Reflections on Syria: Developing A Cadre of Citizen Diplomats
Rehumanizing American Justice: New Strategies
Remembering Harold H. (Hal) Saunders
Rethink Needed in Virginia Mental Health Services
Rethinking the On-Going Refugee Crisis: Listening to Refugees as Key Stakeholders
Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Iraq
Rethinking U.S. Strategy on Terrorism
S-CAR's Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
S-CAR's Multitude of Initiatives
Scholar Opinion: The Struggle for West Papuan Independence
Spratly Island and South China Sea Exercise
Syria and the Need for Peaceful Conflict Resolution
Syria and the Need for Peaceful Conflict Resolution
The Advent of Donald Trump and the Need for Structural Conflict Resolution
The Escalating "War on Terror": Is there a Role for Conflict Resolution?
The Havana Negotiations
The Islamic State: An Experiment in Self-Fulfilling Dynamics
The Lessons from South Ossetia: Respect Matters
The Most Dangerous Word in the Field: Class
The Revolution Will be Tweeted
The Rhetorical Priority of Class: It's Economic Incompatibility, Stupid!
The Yemeni National Dialogue: Setting a Standard for Other Arab Countries?
Ukraine: The Struggle for Power and Identity
US National Intelligence Estimate Lacks Evidence
US Transportation System Found Structurally Violent
US-Israeli Policies Not Yet Working with Damascus
Wallace Warfield: a Celebration of Contribution and Influence
What is "Occupy"? A Conflict Analysis Perspective
What Next After the Oslo Accords Collapse?
What Washington Wants in the Horn of Africa
Will President Elect Obama Offer Real Change in Wartime?
You've Got to be Taught: Conflict Resolution Education in Washington D.C. Schools
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Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
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