

Local Zones of Peace: General Survey and Map.
               Morales/corregimiento Micoahumado
Official Title: Asamblea Popular Constituyente de Micoahumado.
Departamento: Bolivar
Region: south Bolivar, Medio Magdalena.
Ethnic mix:
IDP population:
Date of establishment:
Traditional political affiliation:
Trigger event[s]:
Persons/organisations involved in establishment:
Declared objectives:
Relations with local government bodies:
 Mayor’s office:
Governor’s office:
Memberships of regional organisations:
Organisational structure:
 Community meetings:
 Decision making bodies
 Functional committees.
Valued goods produced in region:
Local armed actors in the region:
 Armed forces: V Nueva Granada Brigade [BAGNA]  
  Guerrillas: strong presence of the ELN.                                             
Arrangements with L.A.A.s: In November 2004 the ELN proposed a humanitarian agreement whereby it would clear landsmines from around the municipality, as efforts to reach a local accord on a similar clearing agreement [affecting Argelia, San Francisco and San Carlos] with the departmental Humanitarian Commission in Antioquoa had been prevented by the national government. Once again, the government tried to prevent this process but ELN went ahead unilaterally &, in February 2005, claimed it had carried out de-mining in Micoahumado, requesting [via Geneva Call**] international verification before civilians be permitted to use the de-mined zone. The government has rejected this, as well as Geneva Call’s suggestion that the whole area be declared a de-militarised zone.
Significant events:
Further comments:
** We  need a note somewhere in the web site explaining what organisations like Geneva Call are and what they do. 
Contact details:
Last Updated:  

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