Local Zones of Peace: General Survey and Map.
San Jose de Suaita/Suaiti
Official Title: Corregimiento de San Jose, en Suaita municipio
Departamento: Santander
Region: NE/Central Colombia
Population: c1200
Location: extreme S of departamento, close to border with Boyaca, c200 km N of Bogota.
Ethnic mix:
IDP population:
Date of establishment:
Traditional political affiliation: Strongly conservative, linked to Caballero family but scene of much industrial strife in latter half of 20th Century
Trigger event[s]:
Persons/organisations involved in establishment:
Declared objectives:
Relations with local government bodies:
Mayor’s office:
Governor’s office:
Memberships of regional organisations:
Organisational structure:
Community meetings:
Decision making bodies
Functional committees.
Valued goods produced in region: Originally centre of cotton industry
Local armed actors in the region:
Armed forces:
Arrangements with L.A.A.s
Significant events:
Further comments:
Contact details:
Last Updated:
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Local Peace-building Working Group
Dr. Christopher Mitchell has reconstituted the Zones of Peace Working Group under under a new title and with a broader focus. For more information, read the letter from Dr. Mitchell and check out the links below.
Newsletter Article: Analyzing Civil War and Local Peacebuilding at S-CAR
Students may request to join the group on the S-CAR Network