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Topic of interest Journal Articles
Documentary Filmmakers: Bridging Practice and Scholarship in Peacebuilding
PeaceTech: The Liminal Spaces of Digital Technology in Peacebuilding
Migrant-Led Integration as Peacebuilding: Forging New Alliances Among Third Country Nationals in Malta
Emotions and Discrimination in Caste Conflicts
The True Colors of Social Justice Struggles in Israel
Genocide Studies and Corporate Actors: The French National Railways (SNCF) Conflict
Making the Case for Systematic, Gender-based Analysis in Sustainable Peace Building'
Denied Victimhood and Contested Narratives: The Case of Hutu Diaspora
Hutus Aiding Tutsis During the Rwandan Genocide: Motives, Meanings and Morals
Victorious Rebels and Postwar Politics
From Victorious Rebels to Strong Authoritarian Parties: Prospects for Post-war Democratization
Lessons from the Swiss Experience of Nation-Building: Implications for Multi-National Societies in Conflict
Instilling Hope for Peace During Intractable Conflicts
Book Review: Mountaintop mining in Appalachia: Understanding stakeholders and change in environmental conflict
Ethiopia: The 100% Election
The Importance of Winning: Victorious Insurgent Groups and Authoritarian Politics
Beyond Youth ‘Inclusion’: Intergenerational Politics In Post-Conflict Bali
Rifle Reports: A Story of Indonesian Independence
Successful Peace Implementation: Plans and Processes
Reproduction of Conflict in History Teaching in Ukraine: A Social Identity Theory Analysis
Revising the Battle of the Narrative
“Breaking Bad” in Black and White: What Ideological Deviance Can Tell Us about the Construction of “Authentic” Racial Identities
Unstructured Daily Encounters: Serbs in Kosovo after the 2008 Declaration of Independence
Book Review: The Holodomor Reader: A Sourcebook on the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine
Crimean Tatars From Mass Deportation to Hardships in Occupied Crimea
Coherence Co-constructed: Using Coherence for Analysis and Transformation of Social Conflicts
Space, Place, & Symbol: Utilizing central places to understand intergroup conflict dynamics
Vote choice and legacies of violence: evidence from the 2014 Colombian presidential elections
Toward a Buddhist Theory of Structural Peace: Lessons from Myanmar in Transition
Color-cognizance and Color-blindness in White America
Pakistan: National Security Dilemmas and Transition to Democracy
Alternative calendars and memory work in Serbia: Anti-war activism after Milošević
Engaging Conflict History: Toward an Integrated Method of Conflict Resolution Dialogue and Capacity Building
A New Dimension for Statecraft
Power and Resistance in the Shaping of Argentine Domestic Policy
Conflict of National Narratives of Ukraine: Euromaidan and Beyond
Peacebuilding in Fragile African States: The Case for Private Sector Involvement
Narratives of Identity in the Northern Irish Troubles
Intergroup Identity Insults: A Social Identity Theory Perspective
Advice to Policy Makers Who Would Tackle Syria: The Problem with Problem Solving
What About the Palestinian Double Refugees?
The Proverb: A Preserver of Shona Traditional Religion and Ethical Code
Privatized Transformation of Public Space: Construction of a Marketplace through the Cooptation of a Public Space by Private Enterprise ...
Between Nationalism, Modernism andSecularism: The Ambivalent Place of ‘Alevi Identities’
Religion and Social Cohesion in Ethiopia
Border Creation in Cyprus: Contested History and the Psychodynamic Perspective of Vamik Volkan
Why should We Talk to People Who Do Not Want to Talk to Us? Inter-Caste Dialogue as Response to Caste-Based Marginalization (pages 237–262)
The frame and the painting in Armenian-Azerbaijani peacebuilding work
“Please Don’t Be Turk, BE GREEK, BE ARMENIAN”: Agency and Deixis Across Virtualized Turkish Imagined Community
Reasons for Hope in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Stalled democracy in Africa : the pitfalls for AU Governance Agenda
Havens in a Firestorm: Perspectives from Baghdad on Resilience to Sectarian Violence
Civilian Protection in Mexico & Guatemala: Humanitarian Engagement with Druglords & Gangs
Peace Through Economic Opportunity, Cross-Cultural Understanding and Public-Private Partnership
Having Their Say: Women Protesters Emerge as a Force in the Arab Spring
Examining the Perceptions of Zimbabwean Women about the Domestic Violence Act
Consciousness in culture-based conflict and conflict resolution
Shaping unpredictable past: National identity and history education in Ukraine
The global stage of interfaith relations: Religious leaders navigate new roles
Explaining Anti-Chinese Riots in Late 20th Century Indonesia
Prospect theory and the framing of the Good Friday Agreement
Integrating Principles and Practices of Customary Law, Conflict Transformation and Restorative Justice in Somaliland
Foundations for Repatriation and Peace in DRC
Think Locally, Act Globally: Toward a Transnational Comparative Politics
Turkish community mediation
Ethiopian Elections: Past and Future
Post-Conflict Food Security and Peace Building
The AKP and the Alevi Opening: Understanding the Dynamics of the Rapprochement
Israeli Identity Formation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Election Platforms 1969-2006
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Problems in Transitional Justice and the Reconstruction of Identity
Recovering Sargent Shriver’s Vision for Poverty Law: The Illinois FamilyCare Campaign and the Insight Approach to Conflict Resolution and Collaboration
Global Financial Crisis and Fragile States
When Development Meets Culture and Conflict: The Challenges and Paradoxes of the Good Samaritan
Analysis of the 2010 Iraqi Parliamentary Elections
The role of tradional leaders in fostering democracy, justice human rights in Zimbabwe
Striking Civilian Targets During the Lebanon War—A Social Psychological Analysis of Israeli Decision Makers
Turkey's Unique Role in Nipping in the Bud the 'Clash of Civilizations'
Why Americans fight: Justifications for asymmetric warfare
Escalation and De-escalation in Asymmetric Conflict
Gacaca Courts in Rwanda: An Endogenous Approach to Post-conflict Justice and Reconciliation
Women at the Bargaining Table: Pitfalls and Prospects
The Impact of Political Alliances on Voter Prejudice in Post Conflict Countries
Democracy Under the Gun
Internal Dynamics and External Interventions
Iran Nuclear "Alleged Studies" Documents: The Evidence of Fraud
The Japanese Foreign Policy of the Middle East Between 1904-1998: Resource, Trade and Aid Diplomacy
Muslim Peace-Building Actors in Africa and the Balkan Context: Challenges and Needs
Concepts of National Identity and the Readiness for Conflict Behavior
Melodies to God': The place of music, instruments and dance in the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe.
Making Peace with the Duel of Narratives: Dual-Narrative Approaches for Teaching the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
'Hawks and Doves' The Impact of Operation Murambatsvina on Johane marange Apostolic Church, Zimbabwe
Understanding Religious Identity and the Causes of Religious Violence
History Education and Social Identity
The Politics of Entitlement and State Failure in Zimbabwe
National Humiliation, History Education, and the Politics of Historical Memory
Conflict-Generated Diasporas and Transnational Politics in Ethiopia
Material Objects and Aura: Popular Culture Images against and for War
Blurring the Lines of Security and Economic Development
Central Asia: Managing the delicate balance between the “discourse of danger,” the “Great Game,” and regional problem solving
The System of Social Identities in Tajikistan: Early Warning and Conflict Prevention
Confronting Change: Labor, State, and Privatization
Israel-Lebanon Crisis within the Context of Changing Middle East and Turkey’s Role
Religious Contribution to Dialogue and Nonviolence Actions in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Possibilities and Obstacles
The Detrimental Dynamics of Delegitimization in Intractable Conflicts: the Israeli Palestinian case
Writing Ethnography after Tragedy: Toward Therapeutic Transformations. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 30.1, 2007.
“Professors Are More Religious Than Some Might Assume, Survey Finds”
Ethos and Identity: Expressions and Changes in the Israeli Jewish Society
Four Years After 11 September: What Can 'Conflict Resolution' Possibly Tell Us About Terrorism?
Compassionate Resistance: A Personal/Political Journey to Israel/Palestine
Toward a Critical Anthropology of Human Rights
If It Weren't For Those ?*!&*@!* Nader Voters We Wouldn't Be In This Mess: The Social Determinants of the Nader Vote and the Constraints on Political Choice
Regionalism and the Crimean Tatar Political Factor in 2004 Ukrainian Presidential Elections
Introduction to "Anthropology and Human Rights in a New Key"
Globalization, Structural Adjustment, and Pressure to Conform: Contesting Labor Law Reform in Egypt
The Place of Language in the Northern Irish Conflict and Peace Process (1998-2002)
Coordination Between Track Two and Track One Diplomacy in Successful Cases of Prenegotiation
Negotiating in a Coordination Network of Citizen Peacebuilding Initiatives in the Georgian-Abkhaz Peace Process
We Make Friends with Our Enemies
Engaging Law, Community, and Victims in Dialogue: From Conflict to Shared Understanding
Coordination in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Perspectives from Scholars and Practitioners Involved with the AFP
Empires of Law: Discipline and Resistance Within the Transnational System
Inequality, Political Participation, and Democratic Deepening in Poland
The Third Option in Iraq: a Responsible Exit Strategy
The role of religion is the role of its actors
Assessing the conflict resolution potential of the EU: the Cyprus conflict and accession negotiations
Stopping the Unstoppable Wars
Getting It Done: Postagreement Negotiation and International Regimes
Partnerships for Sustainable Development and Human Rights: A Plea for Research
Changes in the Israeli Social Beliefs of Conflict 1967-2000
Two Feminisms
Structural Conflict in Contemporary Cities
The intimacy of terror: gender and violence in Indonesia
Postconflict Elections and the Process of Demilitarizing Politics: The Role of Electoral Administration
Review of The Cultural Defense
The Floating Island: Change of Paradigm on the Taiwan Question
Culture as Context, Culture as Communication
Elections during Conflict: Peace within Grasp?
Martyrdom in Context: Implications for Conflict Resolution
Context and Pretext in Conflict Resulation
Review of “Capturing the Complexity of Conflict: Dealing with Ethnic Conflicts of the Post-Cold War Era” by Dennis J. Sandole
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Challenges for American Third Party Intervenors
The Multiethnic State-Building Dilemma: National and Ethnic Minorities’ Identities in the Crimea
Intimacy as a Double-Edged Phenomenon? An Empirical Test of Giddens
Book Review: Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Revisiting a Global Shift From Ethnic Warfare to the Politics of Accommodation
Outsiders' Identity: Are the Realities of "Inside Palestinians" Reconcilable?
Have Gavel, Will Travel: Dispute Resolution's Innocents Abroad
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: A Review Essay and Annotated Bibliography
Religion and International Relations at the Crossroads
Notes Toward Ethnographies of Conflict and Violence
Principles of Islamic Interpersonal Conflict Intervention
Pronouncing and Persevering: Gender and the Discourse of Disputing in an African Islamic Court
Politics and Citizenship on the Eastern Baltic Seaboard: The Structuring of Democratic Politics from North-West Russia to Poland
Ecstatic Subjects, Utopia, and Recognition
Gestures of Conciliation: Factors Contributing to Successful Olive Branches
An analysis of integrative outcomes in the Dayton peace negotiations
Reconnecting Systems Maintenance with Social Justice: A Critical Role for Conflict Resolution
Just Words: Law, Language, and Power
Gender in Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict through Feminist Lenses
New Approaches to Old Problems: Lessons from an ethnic conciliation projects in four Central and Eastern European Countries.
Finding the Tools to Bridge Cultural Gaps
Questioning "Ethnic Democracy": A Response to Sammy Smooha
Facing Our Future
The Crisis of Minorities in Ethnic States: The Case of Palestinian Citizens in Israel
Interactive Conflict Resolution: The Last 30 Years and Beyond
An Orthodox Embrace of Gentiles? Interfaith Tolerance in the Thought of S. D. Luzzatto and E. Benamozegh
AUC Forum Tackles Islamist Movements
The Results of Four Wisconsin Focus Groups: Roles of Husbands and Wives in Farm Decisions
Beyond Modernization: Conflict Resolution in Central and Eastern Europe
Generalizations and Practical Applications
Identifying Violence, Pledging Peace
Ghana’s Encouraging Elections: A Major Step Forward
Local Peace Zones as Institutionalized Conflict
The Kurdish Conflict in Turkey: Issues, Parties and Prospects
Ideological Profile of Twentieth-Century Italy
The Domestication of Violence in Mediation
The Role of Culture on Conflict Resolution
Understanding and Challenging Western Perceptions of Islamic Fundamentalism
Observing the Eritrean Referendum
Closing the Transition: The May 1995 Elections in Ethiopia
"Building Consensus For Racial Harmony in American Cities: A Case Model Approach"
Changing Ideologies in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Constraints on Third Party Flexibility
Flexibility in Conflict Episodes
Book Reviews--The United States and Ethiopia: Military Assistance and the Quest for Security, 1953-1993 by Baffour Agyeman-Duah
Challenging Huntington
"Theories of Responsibility": The Social Construction of Intentions in Mediation.
The Political Lessons of Somalia
Interpreting Media Representations of " A Night of Madness"
Culture, Power and International Negotiations: Understanding Palau-US Status Negotiations
Anthropologists in Conflictland: The Role of Cultural Anthropology in an Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Facing Ethnic Conflict: A Problem-Solving Diplomacy for the Clinton Administration
Next Steps in Somalia
Making Culture, and Its Costs -- Nationalist Ideologies and the Production of National Cultures / Minorities in the Middle: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
Post-Cold War U.S. Policy Toward Africa: Hints from the Horn
Book Reviews -- Africa in World Politics: Into the 1990s
The Culture Question And Conflict Resolution
Ideas Of Human Nature in Contemporary Conflict Resolution Theory
Book Review
Cambodia: Sihanouk’s Initiative
The Emergence of Ethnicity in Israel
Politics and Society in Contemporary Israel
The United States and Ethiopia: The Politics of a Patron-Client Relationship
Cultural/Ethnology: "The Conflict of Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan by Richard Tapper"
New Markets and Good Deeds: On Altruism and Exemplary Entrepreneurship
On the "Traditionalization" of Social Identity: American Immigrants to Israel
Traditionalizing Israeli Nationalism: The Development of Gush Emunim
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Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
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